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Kennedy Ricci of Cleveland OH (US)

Nancy Bsales of Cleveland OH (US)

SUSTAINABLE AVIATION FUEL BLOCKCHAIN REGISTRY - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 20240232910 titled 'SUSTAINABLE AVIATION FUEL BLOCKCHAIN REGISTRY

The abstract describes a system for blockchain-based tracking of resource production and sustainability. A producer computer on the blockchain receives production information, including the amount of a resource produced, a batch identifier, and wallet identifiers for resource recipients. The producer computer then generates blocks on the blockchain to represent the resource produced for each recipient.

  • Blockchain-based system for tracking resource production and sustainability
  • Producer computer receives production information and generates blocks on the blockchain
  • Blocks represent the amount of resource produced and are linked to specific resource recipients
  • Each block includes a wallet identifier for the corresponding resource recipient
  • Enhances transparency and accountability in resource production and distribution

Potential Applications: - Supply chain management - Environmental sustainability tracking - Fair trade certification

Problems Solved: - Lack of transparency in resource production - Difficulty in tracking resources from production to consumption - Ensuring fair distribution of resources

Benefits: - Increased transparency and accountability - Improved traceability of resources - Facilitates sustainable resource management

Commercial Applications: Title: Blockchain-based Resource Tracking System for Sustainable Production This technology can be used in industries such as agriculture, manufacturing, and mining to track the origin and distribution of resources, ensuring sustainability and ethical practices. It can also be valuable for companies seeking to demonstrate their commitment to responsible sourcing.

Questions about Blockchain-based Resource Tracking System for Sustainable Production: 1. How does this system improve transparency in the production process? - The system enhances transparency by recording production information on the blockchain, making it accessible to all parties involved. 2. What are the potential implications of this technology for supply chain management? - This technology can revolutionize supply chain management by providing real-time tracking of resources from production to consumption, improving efficiency and accountability.

Original Abstract Submitted

presented herein are systems and method for blockchain based tracking resource production and sustainability. a producer computer associated with a blockchain may receive production information indicating an amount of a resource produced, a batch identifier for the resource produced, and a plurality of wallet identifiers for a corresponding plurality of resource recipients. the produce computer may determine a number of blocks for the blockchain to generate for representing a unit of the resource produced of the amount of resource produced. the producer computer may generate a plurality of blocks on the blockchain according to the number of blocks and using the production information. the plurality of blocks may include a plurality of sets of blocks for a corresponding resource recipient of the plurality of resource recipients. each block in the set of blocks for the corresponding resource recipient including a wallet identifier for the resource recipient.