18746124. ROOFTOP AIR CONDITIONING UNIT (Carrier Corporation)

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Organization Name

Carrier Corporation


Johannes Kohler Mendizabal of Baldwinsville NY (US)

Matthew Clark of Rochester NY (US)

Aritra Sur of South Windsor CT (US)

Eric Fraser of Canastota NY (US)

Richard Lord of Monteagle TN (US)


This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18746124 titled 'ROOFTOP AIR CONDITIONING UNIT

Original Abstract Submitted

A rooftop air conditioning unit (RTU) is disclosed. The RTU comprises an absorber configured in a supply airstream, a desorber configured in a regeneration airstream, wherein the desorber is fluidically connected to the absorber via a liquid desiccant system and an interchange heat exchanger. The RTU further comprises a first heat exchanger configured upstream of the absorber in the supply air stream, a second heat exchanger configured upstream of the desorber in the regeneration airstream, wherein the first heat exchanger is fluidically connected to the second heat exchanger via a vapor compression system, and one or more secondary heat exchanger configured between the vapor compression system and the liquid desiccant system, wherein the one or more secondary heat exchangers are operable to control temperature of a desiccant associated with the liquid desiccant system into the absorber and/or into the desorber.