18674083. CLAIMING DELAYED LIVE REFERENCE STREAMS simplified abstract (Google LLC)

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Google LLC


[[:Category:Lars Fabian Kr�ger of Zurich (CH)|Lars Fabian Kr�ger of Zurich (CH)]][[Category:Lars Fabian Kr�ger of Zurich (CH)]]

[[:Category:Johan Georg Granstr�m of Zürich (CH)|Johan Georg Granstr�m of Zürich (CH)]][[Category:Johan Georg Granstr�m of Zürich (CH)]]

CLAIMING DELAYED LIVE REFERENCE STREAMS - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18674083 titled 'CLAIMING DELAYED LIVE REFERENCE STREAMS

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes a system and method for identifying unauthorized uploaded content before a validated live reference stream has been ingested. The system compares the live reference stream against indexed uploaded content to detect unauthorized matches.

  • The system compares live reference streams against uploaded content.
  • Unauthorized matches are identified and claims are issued against the unauthorized content.
  • The system repeats the matching process until a match meeting a minimum duration threshold is found.
  • The time period for matching is determined based on a utility analysis.

Key Features and Innovation

  • Comparison of live reference streams against uploaded content.
  • Detection of unauthorized matches.
  • Issuance of claims against unauthorized content.
  • Repeated matching process until minimum duration threshold is met.
  • Time period for matching based on utility analysis.

Potential Applications

This technology can be used in content monitoring and copyright enforcement in various industries such as media, entertainment, and online platforms.

Problems Solved

  • Detection of unauthorized uploaded content.
  • Efficient comparison of live reference streams against indexed content.
  • Automated issuance of claims against unauthorized matches.


  • Improved copyright protection.
  • Streamlined content monitoring process.
  • Reduction of unauthorized content distribution.

Commercial Applications

Title: Unauthorized Content Detection System This technology can be utilized by media companies, streaming platforms, and content creators to protect their intellectual property rights and prevent unauthorized distribution of content. It can also be integrated into digital rights management systems to enhance content security.

Prior Art

Readers can start searching for prior art related to content monitoring systems, copyright enforcement technologies, and automated content matching algorithms.

Frequently Updated Research

There may be ongoing research in the fields of content recognition, copyright protection, and automated content detection that could be relevant to this technology.

Questions about Unauthorized Content Detection System

How does the system determine unauthorized matches?

The system compares the live reference stream against indexed uploaded content and identifies matches that meet a minimum duration threshold, indicating unauthorized content.

What industries can benefit from this technology?

Industries such as media, entertainment, and online platforms can benefit from this technology for content monitoring and copyright enforcement purposes.

Original Abstract Submitted

A system and method for identifying unauthorized uploaded content that has been uploaded before a validated live reference stream has been ingested is disclosed herein. The live reference stream is compared against the indexed uploaded content repeatedly as the live reference stream is received. The matching process is done once per a time period until a match meeting a minimum match duration threshold is identified. The match is then determined to be unauthorized, and a claim is issued against the unauthorized uploaded content. The time period can be based on a utility based analysis that factors the computational costs of repeated matching versus the diminishing value of the live reference stream as time progresses.