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Organization Name



Yizhuang Wu of Beijing (CN)

Ao Lei of Beijing (CN)

He Li of Shanghai (CN)

COMMUNICATION METHOD AND APPARATUS - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18666841 titled 'COMMUNICATION METHOD AND APPARATUS

Simplified Explanation

This patent application describes a method and apparatus for ensuring secure communication in proximity-based service relay systems. Authentication information is used to generate keys for communication between remote terminals and relay terminals, enhancing security and preventing user information leakage.

  • Proximity-based service authentication information is used for authentication between remote terminals and networks.
  • Keys are generated for communication between remote terminals and relay terminals.
  • Communication protection keys are derived based on the proximity-based service key to ensure security.
  • This technology prevents user information leakage caused by attacks.

Key Features and Innovation

  • Use of proximity-based service authentication information for secure communication.
  • Generation of keys for communication between remote terminals and relay terminals.
  • Derivation of communication protection keys based on the proximity-based service key.
  • Prevention of user information leakage through enhanced security measures.

Potential Applications

This technology can be applied in various industries where secure communication between devices is crucial, such as IoT, smart homes, and industrial automation.

Problems Solved

This technology addresses the issue of user information leakage and ensures secure communication in proximity-based service relay systems.


  • Enhanced security in communication between remote terminals and relay terminals.
  • Prevention of user information leakage.
  • Secure transmission of data in proximity-based service relay systems.

Commercial Applications

Title: Secure Communication Technology for IoT Devices This technology can be commercialized in industries that rely on secure communication between devices, such as IoT, smart homes, and industrial automation. It can enhance data security and prevent unauthorized access to sensitive information.

Prior Art

Readers can explore prior art related to secure communication methods in proximity-based service relay systems to understand the evolution of this technology.

Frequently Updated Research

Researchers are constantly exploring new methods to enhance security in proximity-based service relay systems. Stay updated on the latest advancements in this field to ensure the highest level of data protection.

Questions about Secure Communication Technology for IoT Devices

How does this technology prevent user information leakage?

This technology prevents user information leakage by using authentication information and generating secure keys for communication between devices, ensuring data security.

What are the potential applications of this technology beyond IoT devices?

This technology can be applied in various industries where secure communication is essential, such as smart homes and industrial automation, to enhance data security and prevent unauthorized access.

Original Abstract Submitted

This application provides a communication method and apparatus, and relates to the communication field, to ensure proximity based service relay communication security. In the method, proximity based service authentication information #1 provided by a data management network element is used, so that a remote terminal and a network may authenticate each other and generate a proximity based service key used for communication between the remote terminal and a relay terminal. Further, the remote terminal device and the relay terminal device derive a communication protection key for a PC5 connection (namely, a connection between the remote terminal and the relay terminal) based on the proximity based service key, which may include at least one of an encryption key and an integrity protection key, so that proximity based service relay communication security is ensured, and a case such as user information leakage caused by an attack is avoided.