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Organization Name



Afef Feki of Massy (FR)

Veronique Capdevielle of Magny les Hameaux (FR)

Fahad Syed Muhammad of Massy (FR)

Anna Pantelidou of Massy (FR)

Muhammad Majid Butt of Naperville IL (US)

RADIO MAP IMPROVEMENTS - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18666510 titled 'RADIO MAP IMPROVEMENTS

    • Simplified Explanation:**

The patent application describes a method for managing a radio map based on radio fingerprinting measurements. This involves acquiring a radio map of an area, detecting gaps in the map, requesting additional measurements for these gaps, receiving measurement reports, and updating the map accordingly.

    • Key Features and Innovation:**
  • Acquiring a radio map based on radio frequency measurements between access nodes and terminal devices.
  • Detecting and determining geographical coordinates of gaps in the radio map.
  • Requesting additional measurements for identified gaps.
  • Receiving radio frequency measurement reports related to terminal devices.
  • Updating the radio map based on the received measurement data.
    • Potential Applications:**

This technology can be used in:

  • Wireless network optimization.
  • Indoor navigation systems.
  • Location-based services.
  • Network planning and deployment.
    • Problems Solved:**
  • Incomplete or inaccurate radio maps.
  • Lack of detailed information for specific areas.
  • Difficulty in optimizing wireless networks.
    • Benefits:**
  • Improved accuracy and completeness of radio maps.
  • Enhanced network performance and coverage.
  • Better location-based services for users.
    • Commercial Applications:**

Potential commercial applications include:

  • Telecom companies for network optimization.
  • Indoor mapping and navigation service providers.
  • IoT device manufacturers for location tracking.
    • Prior Art:**

Readers can explore prior art related to radio fingerprinting, radio map management, and wireless network optimization in academic journals, patent databases, and industry publications.

    • Frequently Updated Research:**

Stay updated on advancements in radio fingerprinting technology, wireless network optimization, and indoor positioning systems for relevant research.

    • Questions about Radio Map Management:**

1. How does radio fingerprinting technology improve the accuracy of indoor navigation systems? 2. What are the key challenges in managing and updating radio maps for wireless networks?

Original Abstract Submitted

Disclosed is a solution for managing a radio map based on radio fingerprinting measurements. A method comprises: acquiring a radio map of an area, the radio map based on radio frequency measurements performed between at least one access node of a wireless network and terminal devices within the area; detecting at least one gap in the radio map and determining geographical coordinates of the at least one gap; causing transmission of a message comprising at least one information element requesting for additional measurements and comprising the geographical coordinates of the at least one gap; in response to the message, receiving at least one radio frequency measurement report related to at least one terminal device and comprising radio frequency measurement data and at least one measurement location where the radio frequency measurement data has been measured; and updating the radio map on the basis of the radio frequency measurement data.