18666496. UNIT CELL STRUCTURES INCLUDING STIFFENING PATTERNS simplified abstract (General Electric Company)

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Organization Name

General Electric Company


Apostolos Karafillis of Lynn MA (US)

Jonathan H. Kerner of Lynn MA (US)

Eric Dean Jorgensen of Lynn MA (US)

Leonardo Ajdelsztajn of Niskayuna NY (US)

UNIT CELL STRUCTURES INCLUDING STIFFENING PATTERNS - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18666496 titled 'UNIT CELL STRUCTURES INCLUDING STIFFENING PATTERNS

The abstract describes a patent application for a structure of an engine component that includes a first plurality of unit cells offset from a neutral plane in one direction, a second plurality of unit cells offset in another direction, and nodes joining the unit cells.

  • The structure is stiffened and consists of pairs of unit cells laterally adjacent and interconnected with each other.
  • The design enhances the overall strength and rigidity of the engine component.
  • The arrangement of unit cells and nodes provides structural integrity and stability.
  • This innovation can potentially improve the performance and durability of engine components.
  • The patent application focuses on a novel approach to designing and manufacturing engine components for enhanced functionality.

Potential Applications: - Aerospace industry for aircraft engines - Automotive industry for high-performance engines - Industrial machinery for heavy-duty engines

Problems Solved: - Enhancing structural integrity of engine components - Improving overall performance and durability - Providing a novel design for increased strength and rigidity

Benefits: - Increased strength and rigidity - Improved performance and durability - Enhanced structural integrity

Commercial Applications: Title: Advanced Engine Component Structure for Enhanced Performance This technology can be utilized in the aerospace, automotive, and industrial sectors for manufacturing high-performance engine components. The innovation offers improved strength, rigidity, and durability, making it a valuable solution for companies seeking enhanced engine performance.

Questions about Engine Component Structure: 1. How does the design of the unit cells and nodes contribute to the overall strength of the engine component? - The design of the unit cells and nodes provides structural integrity and stability, enhancing the overall strength of the engine component.

2. What potential applications can benefit from this innovative engine component structure? - Industries such as aerospace, automotive, and industrial machinery can benefit from this technology due to its ability to improve performance and durability.

Original Abstract Submitted

Methods, apparatus, systems and articles of manufacture are disclosed for a structure of an engine component, including a first plurality of unit cells offset from a neutral plane in a first direction, a second plurality of unit cells offset from the neutral plane in a second direction, a plurality of nodes joining ones of the first plurality of unit cells and ones of the second plurality of unit cells, wherein the first plurality of unit cells and the second plurality of unit cells are arranged in pairs such that ones of the first plurality of unit cells are laterally adjacent to and interconnected with ones of the second plurality of unit cells, and wherein the structure is a stiffened structure.