18666192. BATTERY PACK simplified abstract (SAMSUNG SDI CO., LTD.)

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Organization Name



Chulseung Lee of Yongin-si (KR)

BATTERY PACK - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18666192 titled 'BATTERY PACK

The abstract of the patent application describes a battery pack comprising multiple battery cells connected in series, a fuse connected between two of the cells, and a primary protective circuit that measures cell voltages and controls the fuse operation based on the highest voltage.

  • The battery pack includes multiple battery cells connected in series.
  • A fuse is connected between two of the battery cells.
  • A primary protective circuit measures voltages of the battery cells.
  • The protective circuit controls the operation of the fuse based on the highest measured voltage.

Potential Applications: - Electric vehicles - Portable electronic devices - Energy storage systems

Problems Solved: - Overcharging of battery cells - Ensuring safe operation of battery packs

Benefits: - Enhanced safety of battery packs - Prevents damage to battery cells - Prolongs battery pack lifespan

Commercial Applications: Title: Enhanced Battery Pack Safety Technology for Electric Vehicles This technology can be utilized in electric vehicles to improve battery pack safety and reliability, potentially increasing consumer confidence in electric vehicle technology.

Questions about Battery Pack Safety Technology: 1. How does the primary protective circuit measure the voltages of the battery cells? The primary protective circuit uses sensors to measure the voltages of each battery cell individually, ensuring accurate monitoring.

2. What are the potential risks associated with not having a protective circuit in a battery pack? Without a protective circuit, there is a higher risk of overcharging, overheating, and potential damage to the battery cells, leading to safety hazards.

Original Abstract Submitted

A battery pack is disclosed. According to an embodiment of the present disclosure, a battery pack includes: a plurality of battery cells connected in series to each other; a fuse connected between two of the plurality of battery cells; and a primary protective circuit configured to measure voltages of the plurality of battery cells and control a protective operation of the fuse according to a highest voltage of the measured voltages.