18657917. VEHICLE simplified abstract (TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA)

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Organization Name



Ikuma Suzuki of Okazaki-shi (JP)

Yuta Ohashi of Toyota-shi (JP)

VEHICLE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18657917 titled 'VEHICLE

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes a vehicle that can be equipped with an Autonomous Driving Kit (ADK). The vehicle platform controls the vehicle based on instructions from the ADK, with a vehicle control interface facilitating communication between the two systems. The vehicle can receive deceleration requests from both the driver and the ADK, and during autonomous mode, it combines these requests to determine the target deceleration of the vehicle.

  • The vehicle can be fitted with an Autonomous Driving Kit (ADK).
  • The vehicle platform controls the vehicle according to instructions from the ADK.
  • A vehicle control interface enables communication between the ADK and the vehicle platform.
  • The vehicle can receive deceleration requests from the driver and the ADK.
  • During autonomous mode, the vehicle calculates the target deceleration based on both driver and system requests.

Key Features and Innovation

  • Integration of an Autonomous Driving Kit (ADK) onto a vehicle platform.
  • Communication interface between the ADK and the vehicle platform.
  • Combined calculation of target deceleration during autonomous mode.

Potential Applications

The technology can be applied in autonomous vehicles, enhancing their ability to manage deceleration requests from both drivers and the autonomous system.

Problems Solved

  • Efficient coordination of deceleration requests from drivers and autonomous systems.
  • Improved control and safety in autonomous driving scenarios.


  • Enhanced safety and control in autonomous driving.
  • Improved responsiveness to deceleration requests.
  • Seamless integration of driver input and autonomous system commands.

Commercial Applications

Title: Autonomous Vehicle Deceleration Control System This technology can be utilized in the development of autonomous vehicles for commercial transportation services, personal vehicles, and fleet management systems. It can improve safety, efficiency, and overall performance in autonomous driving scenarios.

Prior Art

Readers can explore prior research on autonomous vehicle control systems, deceleration management in vehicles, and integration of driver inputs with autonomous technologies.

Frequently Updated Research

Researchers are continually exploring advancements in autonomous vehicle technologies, including improved communication interfaces, enhanced safety features, and more efficient control systems.

Questions about Autonomous Vehicle Deceleration Control System

1. What are the key components of an Autonomous Driving Kit (ADK) in a vehicle platform? 2. How does the vehicle platform calculate the target deceleration during autonomous mode?

Original Abstract Submitted

A vehicle is a vehicle on which an autonomous driving kit (ADK) is mountable. The vehicle includes: a vehicle platform (VP) that controls the vehicle in accordance with an instruction from the ADK; and a vehicle control interface that serves as an interface between the ADK and the VP. The VP receives a driver deceleration request in accordance with an amount of depression of a brake pedal by a driver, and receives a system deceleration request from the ADK through the vehicle control interface. During an autonomous mode, the VP specifies the sum of the driver deceleration request and the system deceleration request as a target deceleration of the vehicle.