18657884. ACOUSTIC WAVE DEVICE simplified abstract (Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.)

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Organization Name

Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.


Katsuya Daimon of Nagaokakyo-shi (JP)

ACOUSTIC WAVE DEVICE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18657884 titled 'ACOUSTIC WAVE DEVICE

The patent application describes an acoustic wave device with a support substrate, a piezoelectric layer, an IDT electrode, and a mass-adding film.

  • The device features an acoustic reflector that overlaps part of the IDT electrode in a stacking direction.
  • The ratio of the thickness of the piezoelectric layer to the center-to-center distance between electrode fingers is less than or equal to 0.5.
  • Crossing regions where electrode fingers overlap are present, along with gap regions between these crossing regions and the busbars.
  • The mass-adding film overlaps the gap region and is located on the second main surface of the piezoelectric layer.

Potential Applications: - This technology could be used in acoustic wave devices for various applications such as sensors, actuators, and communication devices.

Problems Solved: - The design of this acoustic wave device addresses issues related to acoustic wave propagation and efficiency in transducing electrical signals to acoustic waves.

Benefits: - Improved performance and efficiency in acoustic wave devices. - Enhanced signal transmission and reception capabilities. - Potential for miniaturization and integration into various electronic systems.

Commercial Applications: - This technology could be applied in the development of advanced sensors, communication devices, and medical ultrasound equipment.

Questions about the Technology: 1. How does the acoustic reflector improve the performance of the device? 2. What are the advantages of having a mass-adding film on the piezoelectric layer?

Frequently Updated Research: - Stay updated on advancements in piezoelectric materials and acoustic wave device technology for potential improvements in performance and efficiency.

Original Abstract Submitted

An acoustic wave device includes a support including a support substrate, a piezoelectric layer on the support, and an IDT electrode including busbars and electrode fingers, and a mass-adding film on the piezoelectric layer. In plan view as seen in a stacking direction in which the support and the piezoelectric layer are stacked, an acoustic reflector overlaps at least a portion of the IDT electrode. d/p is less than or equal to about 0.5, where d is a thickness of the piezoelectric layer and p is a center-to-center distance between adjacent electrode fingers. A region in which adjacent electrode fingers overlap each other when seen from an electrode-finger-facing direction is a crossing region. Regions between the crossing region and the pair of busbars include first and second gap regions. The mass-adding film overlaps the gap region in plan view and is on the second main surface of the piezoelectric layer.