Organization Name
YOSUKE Nishide of Kanagawa (JP)
HIRONOBU Iwawaki of Kanagawa (JP)
HIROKAZU Miyashita of Miyagi (JP)
ORGANIC LIGHT-EMITTING DEVICE - A simplified explanation of the abstract
This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18657200 titled 'ORGANIC LIGHT-EMITTING DEVICE
The present disclosure introduces an organic light-emitting device with electrodes and a light-emitting layer containing specific molecules.
- The light-emitting layer includes a guest molecule and a host molecule, both represented by specific formulas.
- The guest molecule is an organometallic complex represented by a particular formula.
Potential Applications:
- This technology can be used in the development of high-performance organic light-emitting devices for displays and lighting applications.
Problems Solved:
- Enhances the efficiency and performance of organic light-emitting devices.
- Improves the quality of light emitted by these devices.
- Higher efficiency and performance in organic light-emitting devices.
- Enhanced quality of light emission for better display and lighting applications.
Commercial Applications:
- This technology has significant commercial potential in the display and lighting industries, offering improved performance and efficiency.
Questions about Organic Light-Emitting Device: 1. How does the specific molecular composition of the light-emitting layer impact the device's performance?
- The molecular composition directly affects the efficiency and quality of light emission in the device.
2. What are the key advantages of using organometallic complexes in organic light-emitting devices?
- Organometallic complexes offer enhanced performance and efficiency compared to traditional materials.
Original Abstract Submitted
The present disclosure provides an organic light-emitting device including a pair of electrodes, and a light-emitting layer in which the light-emitting layer contains a guest molecule and a host molecule represented by the following general formula [1], and the guest molecule is an organometallic complex represented by the following general formula [2]: