18653545. VEHICLE AND CONTROL DEVICE simplified abstract (Panasonic Automotive Systems Co., Ltd.)

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Organization Name

Panasonic Automotive Systems Co., Ltd.


Jinsong Duan of Tokyo (JP)

VEHICLE AND CONTROL DEVICE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18653545 titled 'VEHICLE AND CONTROL DEVICE

The abstract of the patent application describes a vehicle equipped with an imaging device and a wireless communication circuit that receives traffic light information. When a stop command is received, the vehicle uses the imaging device to detect a stop position and stops accordingly.

  • Simplified Explanation:

- Vehicle with imaging device and wireless communication circuit. - Receives traffic light information. - Stops at designated stop position based on captured image.

  • Key Features and Innovation:

- Integration of imaging device and wireless communication for traffic light information. - Automated detection of stop position for safe stopping of the vehicle.

  • Potential Applications:

- Autonomous vehicles. - Traffic management systems. - Safety enhancement in transportation.

  • Problems Solved:

- Ensures vehicles stop accurately at designated positions. - Improves traffic flow and safety.

  • Benefits:

- Enhanced safety on the road. - Efficient traffic management. - Reduced human error in stopping vehicles.

  • Commercial Applications:

- Autonomous vehicle technology for transportation companies. - Traffic control systems for municipalities.

  • Questions about the Technology:

1. How does the imaging device accurately detect the stop position? 2. What other applications can benefit from this integration of imaging and wireless communication?

  • Frequently Updated Research:

- Ongoing developments in autonomous vehicle technology. - Advancements in traffic management systems.

Original Abstract Submitted

A vehicle includes a first wheel, a second wheel, the vehicle being movable in a predetermined direction using the first wheel and the second wheel, an imaging device, and a wireless communication circuit set to receive traffic light information which is information related to a traffic light. When the received traffic light information indicates a stop command, a stop position is detected based on a captured image by the imaging device, and the vehicle stops at the stop position.