18651723. ULTRASONIC TRANSDUCER simplified abstract (Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.)

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Organization Name

Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.


Shinsuke Ikeuchi of Nagaokakyo-shi (JP)

Hiroshi Matsubara of Nagaokakyo-shi (JP)

Ryosuke Niwa of Nagaokakyo-shi (JP)

ULTRASONIC TRANSDUCER - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18651723 titled 'ULTRASONIC TRANSDUCER

An acoustic device described in the patent application includes an acoustic MEMS device that can generate ultrasound through vibration. This ultrasound resonates in an acoustic path connected to the MEMS device. The device also features an ultrasonic transducer with specific sound pressure frequency characteristics that lead to sound pressure peaks due to resonance of the MEMS device and the acoustic path.

  • The acoustic device incorporates an acoustic MEMS device capable of generating ultrasound.
  • Ultrasound is produced through vibration of the MEMS device and resonates in the acoustic path.
  • An ultrasonic transducer with unique sound pressure frequency characteristics is utilized.
  • Sound pressure peaks are a result of resonance in both the MEMS device and the acoustic path.
  • The relationship between the resonance frequency of the MEMS device and lower frequencies where sound pressure peaks occur is crucial for optimal performance.

Potential Applications: - Medical imaging - Non-destructive testing - Underwater communication - Industrial process monitoring

Problems Solved: - Enhances ultrasound generation and resonance - Improves sound pressure frequency characteristics - Optimizes acoustic device performance

Benefits: - Higher quality ultrasound generation - Improved resonance for clearer imaging - Enhanced acoustic device efficiency

Commercial Applications: Title: Advanced Ultrasound Technology for Medical Imaging and Industrial Testing This technology can be utilized in medical imaging equipment, industrial testing devices, underwater communication systems, and various other applications requiring precise ultrasound generation and resonance.

Questions about Acoustic Devices: 1. How does the acoustic MEMS device generate ultrasound through vibration? 2. What are the specific characteristics of the ultrasonic transducer that contribute to sound pressure peaks?

Frequently Updated Research: Ongoing research focuses on further optimizing the sound pressure frequency characteristics of the ultrasonic transducer to enhance the performance of acoustic devices.

Original Abstract Submitted

An acoustic device includes an acoustic MEMS device. An acoustic path communicates with the acoustic MEMS device. Ultrasound generated by vibration of the acoustic MEMS device can resonate in the acoustic path. An ultrasonic transducer has sound pressure frequency characteristics such that sound pressure peaks occur as a result of a combination of resonance of the acoustic MEMS device and resonance in the acoustic path. A relationship of about 5≤(f−fl)/f×100≤about 33 is satisfied, where f represents a resonance frequency of the acoustic MEMS device and fl represents a frequency lower than the resonance frequency and closest to the resonance frequency among frequencies at which the sound pressure peaks occur in the sound pressure frequency characteristics.