18650760. INTRA MODE SELECTION AND SIGNALING simplified abstract (Tencent America LLC)

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Organization Name

Tencent America LLC


Ling Li of Seoul (KR)

Xiang Li of Saratoga CA (US)

Shan Liu of San Jose CA (US)

INTRA MODE SELECTION AND SIGNALING - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18650760 titled 'INTRA MODE SELECTION AND SIGNALING

The patent application describes a method of decoding coded information of a coding unit (CU), a template region, and a plurality of reference regions.

  • The coded information includes a syntax element indicating if the CU is predicted using a template matching based multiple reference line (MRL) intra prediction mode.
  • Cost values are determined between prediction samples of the template region based on samples in each reference region and reconstructed samples of the template region.
  • A reference region is selected based on the cost values, and samples of the CU are reconstructed using the samples in the chosen reference region.
    • Key Features and Innovation:**

- Utilizes template matching based multiple reference line (MRL) intra prediction mode. - Determines cost values between prediction samples and reconstructed samples for accurate decoding. - Selects the best reference region for sample reconstruction.

    • Potential Applications:**

- Video coding and decoding systems. - Image processing applications. - Multimedia compression technologies.

    • Problems Solved:**

- Enhances the accuracy of predicting and reconstructing coded information. - Improves the efficiency of decoding processes in multimedia applications.

    • Benefits:**

- Higher quality video and image decoding. - Reduced data loss during decoding. - Enhanced compression efficiency.

    • Commercial Applications:**

Potential commercial applications include: - Video streaming services. - Video surveillance systems. - Image editing software.

    • Questions about the Technology:**

1. How does the method improve the accuracy of decoding in multimedia applications? 2. What are the advantages of using a template matching based multiple reference line (MRL) intra prediction mode in video coding?

Original Abstract Submitted

In a method of decoding, coded information of a coding unit (CU), a template region, and a plurality of reference regions is received. The coded information includes a first syntax element indicating whether the CU is predicted based on a template matching based multiple reference line (MRL) intra prediction mode. In response to the first syntax element indicating that the CU is predicted based on the template matching based multiple reference line (MRL) intra prediction mode, a plurality of cost values is determined between (i) respective prediction samples of the template region based on samples in each of the plurality of reference regions, and (ii) reconstructed samples of the template region corresponding to the respective prediction samples. A reference region from the plurality of reference regions is determined based on the plurality of cost values. Samples of the CU are reconstructed based on the samples in the determined reference region.