18650064. ELECTRONIC PANEL AND ELECTRONIC APPARATUS INCLUDING THE SAME simplified abstract (Samsung Display Co., LTD.)

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Organization Name

Samsung Display Co., LTD.


Jeongyun Han of Hwaseong-si (KR)

Jong-Hwa Kim of Yongin-si (KR)

Kyungsu Lee of Suwon-si (KR)


This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18650064 titled 'ELECTRONIC PANEL AND ELECTRONIC APPARATUS INCLUDING THE SAME

The abstract of the patent application describes an electronic panel with a crack detecting pattern that is line-symmetrical with respect to a symmetry axis passing through the center of the panel.

  • The electronic panel includes a base substrate with distinct areas for pixels, pixel signal lines, and the crack detecting pattern.
  • The crack detecting pattern is designed to detect cracks in the panel and is connected to specific lines in the third area.
  • The crack detecting pattern has a symmetrical shape to enhance its effectiveness in detecting cracks.
  • The panel also features pixel signal lines, a first line, and a second line, all spaced apart in the third area for efficient operation.

Potential Applications: - This technology can be used in electronic displays to detect cracks early on and prevent further damage. - It can be applied in touch screen devices to ensure the integrity of the display. - The crack detecting pattern can be utilized in automotive displays to enhance safety by detecting potential issues.

Problems Solved: - Early detection of cracks in electronic panels. - Prevention of further damage to displays. - Improved safety in automotive displays.

Benefits: - Enhanced durability of electronic panels. - Increased safety in various display applications. - Cost-effective maintenance through early crack detection.

Commercial Applications: Title: "Advanced Crack Detection Technology for Electronic Panels" This technology can be commercialized in industries such as consumer electronics, automotive manufacturing, and display technology. It offers a competitive advantage by ensuring the longevity and safety of electronic displays.

Questions about Crack Detecting Pattern Technology: 1. How does the line-symmetrical shape of the crack detecting pattern improve its functionality? 2. What are the specific benefits of early crack detection in electronic panels?

Original Abstract Submitted

An electronic panel includes a base substrate having a first area, a second area adjacent to the first area, and a third area adjacent to the second area, a plurality of pixels in the second area, a plurality of pixel signal lines in the third area and connected to the pixels, a crack detecting pattern spaced apart from the pixels and in the first area, a first line spaced apart from the pixel signal lines, in the third area, and connected to a portion of the crack detecting pattern, and a second line spaced apart from the pixel signal lines, in the third area, connected to another portion of the crack detecting pattern, and spaced apart from the first line. The crack detecting pattern has a line-symmetrical shape with respect to a symmetry axis passing through a center of the first area.