18646003. MASK ASSEMBLY AND MANUFACTURING METHOD THEREOF simplified abstract (Samsung Display Co., LTD.)

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Organization Name

Samsung Display Co., LTD.


JONGDAE Lee of Yongin-si (KR)

WONYOUNG Jang of Yongin-si (KR)

MASK ASSEMBLY AND MANUFACTURING METHOD THEREOF - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18646003 titled 'MASK ASSEMBLY AND MANUFACTURING METHOD THEREOF

The abstract describes a mask assembly consisting of a frame opening and a mask sheet with two masks that overlap each other.

  • The first mask includes a body part with deposition openings and coupling portions protruding from its sides.
  • The second mask also has a body part with deposition openings and coupling portions on its sides.
  • The coupling portions of the first and second masks overlap each other when facing each other.

Potential Applications: - Medical masks for enhanced protection - Industrial masks for filtering purposes - Personal protective equipment for various industries

Problems Solved: - Improved fit and seal of masks - Enhanced filtration efficiency - Comfortable wear for extended periods

Benefits: - Better protection against airborne particles - Reduced risk of contamination - Enhanced user comfort and usability

Commercial Applications: Title: Advanced Mask Assembly for Enhanced Protection This technology can be used in medical, industrial, and personal protective equipment sectors to improve mask performance and user comfort.

Questions about the technology: 1. How does the overlapping coupling portions improve the mask's performance?

  - The overlapping coupling portions create a better seal and fit, enhancing protection.

2. What materials are typically used in manufacturing these masks?

  - Common materials include various types of fabrics, plastics, and metals.

Original Abstract Submitted

A mask assembly includes a frame opening, and a mask sheet. The mask sheet includes a first mask including a first body part having at least one first deposition opening, first coupling portions, each of which protrudes from at least one first side of the first body part, and a second mask including a second body part having at least one second deposition opening, second coupling portions, each of which protrudes from at least one first side of the second body part, The at least one first side of the first mask and the at least one first side of the second mask face each other. The first coupling portions overlap the second coupling portions, respectively.