18643193. AUTONOMOUS CO-CHANNEL OPERATIONS simplified abstract (QUALCOMM Incorporated)

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Organization Name

QUALCOMM Incorporated


Qing Li of Princeton Junction NJ (US)

Hong Cheng of Basking Ridge NJ (US)

Tien Viet Nguyen of Bridgewater NJ (US)

Sourjya Dutta of San Diego CA (US)

Gabi Sarkis of San Diego CA (US)

AUTONOMOUS CO-CHANNEL OPERATIONS - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18643193 titled 'AUTONOMOUS CO-CHANNEL OPERATIONS

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes methods, systems, and devices for wireless communications, where a user equipment (UE) estimates channel availability parameters to select a pattern of sidelink resources for transmitting NR packets.

  • The UE estimates channel availability parameter values.
  • Based on a co-channel configuration, the UE selects a pattern of sidelink resources for transmitting NR packets.
  • A special UE may receive reports of channel availability parameter values and select a pattern of sidelink resources for other UEs to transmit NR packets.
  • The special UE activates the selected pattern of sidelink resources for the reporting UE to use for transmitting NR packets.

Key Features and Innovation

  • Estimation of channel availability parameters by UEs.
  • Selection of sidelink resource patterns based on co-channel configuration.
  • Special UEs managing and activating sidelink resource patterns for other UEs.

Potential Applications

This technology can be applied in various wireless communication systems where efficient resource allocation is crucial, such as in 5G networks and IoT devices.

Problems Solved

This technology addresses the challenge of optimizing resource allocation in wireless communication systems, ensuring efficient transmission of data.


  • Improved resource allocation efficiency.
  • Enhanced data transmission reliability.
  • Better utilization of sidelink resources.

Commercial Applications

The technology can be utilized in 5G networks, IoT devices, smart cities, and other wireless communication systems to optimize resource allocation and improve data transmission efficiency.

Prior Art

Readers can explore prior art related to resource allocation in wireless communication systems, co-channel interference management, and efficient data transmission in 5G networks.

Frequently Updated Research

Stay updated on the latest research in resource allocation optimization, co-channel interference mitigation, and efficient data transmission in wireless communication systems.

Questions about Wireless Communications

How does this technology improve resource allocation in wireless communication systems?

This technology improves resource allocation by allowing UEs to estimate channel availability parameters and select appropriate sidelink resource patterns for efficient data transmission.

What are the potential applications of this technology beyond 5G networks?

This technology can be applied in IoT devices, smart cities, and other wireless communication systems to optimize resource allocation and enhance data transmission efficiency.

Original Abstract Submitted

Methods, systems, and devices for wireless communications are described. Generally, a user equipment (UE) may estimate one or more channel availability parameter values. The UE may then select, based on a co-channel configuration indicating a relationship between channel availability parameter values and patterns of sidelink resources, a pattern of sidelink resources (e.g., LTE resources) on which to transmit NR packets. In some examples, a special UE may receive individual or aggregated reports of channel availability parameter values. The special UE may select a pattern of sidelink resources (e.g., LTE resources) on which one of the reporting UEs is permitted to transmit NR packets, and may transmit a message activating the pattern of sidelink resources to the reporting UE. The reporting UE may then use the activated sidelink LTE resources for transmitting NR packets according to the indicated pattern.