18639005. TOUCH SENSOR AND A DISPLAY DEVICE INCLUDING THE SAME simplified abstract (Samsung Display Co., LTD.)

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Organization Name

Samsung Display Co., LTD.


Choon Hyop Lee of Yongin-si (KR)

Jang Hui Kim of Yongin-si (KR)

Jae Won Kim of Yongin-si (KR)

In Nam Lee of Yongin-si (KR)

TOUCH SENSOR AND A DISPLAY DEVICE INCLUDING THE SAME - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18639005 titled 'TOUCH SENSOR AND A DISPLAY DEVICE INCLUDING THE SAME

Simplified Explanation:

The patent application describes a touch sensor system that uses driving electrodes and sensing electrodes to determine touch positions on a touch sensing area. The system includes a driving signal generator that supplies sine wave driving signals to the sensing electrodes based on a reference code. A touch processor then receives sensing signals from the sensing electrodes and determines touch positions based on the signals and the reference code.

  • The touch sensor system includes a touch sensing area with driving electrodes and sensing electrodes.
  • A driving signal generator supplies sine wave driving signals to the sensing electrodes based on a reference code.
  • A touch processor receives sensing signals from the sensing electrodes to determine touch positions based on the signals and the reference code.
  • The driving signal generator updates the reference code at predetermined time points to control the phases of the driving signals.

Key Features and Innovation:

  • Utilization of driving electrodes and sensing electrodes in a touch sensor system.
  • Implementation of sine wave driving signals for accurate touch position determination.
  • Integration of a touch processor to analyze sensing signals and reference code for touch position calculation.
  • Dynamic updating of the reference code by the driving signal generator for precise control of driving signal phases.

Potential Applications:

  • Touchscreens for electronic devices.
  • Interactive displays in public spaces.
  • Virtual reality and augmented reality systems.
  • Automotive touch controls.
  • Industrial control panels.

Problems Solved:

  • Accurate touch position detection.
  • Improved sensitivity and responsiveness of touch sensors.
  • Enhanced user experience with touch-enabled devices.
  • Reduction of false touch inputs.
  • Precise control of touch interactions.


  • Enhanced touch sensor accuracy.
  • Improved user interaction with touch-enabled devices.
  • Reduced errors in touch input recognition.
  • Increased reliability of touch control systems.
  • Enhanced overall user experience with touch technology.

Commercial Applications:

Touch sensor technology like this could revolutionize the way we interact with electronic devices, leading to more intuitive and responsive touchscreens in smartphones, tablets, and other gadgets. This innovation could also find applications in interactive kiosks, digital signage, and various industrial control systems, enhancing user experiences and improving efficiency in a wide range of commercial settings.

Questions about Touch Sensor Technology: 1. How does the use of sine wave driving signals improve touch position accuracy in the sensor system? 2. What are the potential challenges in implementing this touch sensor technology in different commercial applications?

Original Abstract Submitted

A touch sensor including: a touch sensing area including driving electrodes and sensing electrodes; a driving signal generator which determines phases of driving signals based on a reference code and supplies the driving signals to the sensing electrodes, wherein the driving signals are sine waves; and a touch processor which receives sensing signals according to the driving signals from the sensing electrodes and determines a touch position based on the sensing signals and the reference code, wherein the driving signal generator controls the phases of the driving signals by updating the reference code at a predetermined time point.