18628813. LAMINATED BATTERY simplified abstract (Panasonic Intellectual Property Management Co., Ltd.)

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Organization Name

Panasonic Intellectual Property Management Co., Ltd.


EIICHI Koga of Hokkaido (JP)

LAMINATED BATTERY - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18628813 titled 'LAMINATED BATTERY

The abstract describes a laminated battery with a bonding layer containing a conductor and an insulator between two unit cells, allowing for electrical connection between them.

  • Simplified Explanation:

- Laminated battery with bonding layer - Conductor and insulator in bonding layer - Electrical connection between unit cells

  • Key Features and Innovation:

- Use of bonding layer for electrical connection - Conductor and insulator combination - Laminated design for compactness and efficiency

  • Potential Applications:

- Portable electronic devices - Electric vehicles - Energy storage systems

  • Problems Solved:

- Enhanced electrical connectivity - Improved battery efficiency - Compact design for space-saving

  • Benefits:

- Increased battery performance - Longer lifespan - Higher energy density

  • Commercial Applications:

- Battery manufacturing industry - Electronics sector - Automotive industry

  • Questions about Laminated Battery Technology:

1. How does the bonding layer improve battery performance? 2. What are the advantages of using a laminated design for batteries?

  • Frequently Updated Research:

- Latest advancements in battery technology - New materials for bonding layers - Efficiency improvements in energy storage systems

Original Abstract Submitted

A laminated battery includes a first unit cell, a second unit cell, and a bonding layer disposed between the first unit cell and the second unit cell. The bonding layer includes a conductor and an insulator. The first unit cell and the second unit cell are electrically connected to each other via the conductor.