18626822. FLAVOR INHALER OR AEROSOL GENERATION DEVICE simplified abstract (Japan Tobacco Inc.)

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Organization Name

Japan Tobacco Inc.


Takuya Shiraishi of Tokyo (JP)

Ayumi Goto of Tokyo (JP)

FLAVOR INHALER OR AEROSOL GENERATION DEVICE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18626822 titled 'FLAVOR INHALER OR AEROSOL GENERATION DEVICE

Simplified Explanation: The patent application describes a flavor inhaler or similar device that is controlled based on its movement. It includes a vibrator, an inertial sensor, a storage unit for vibration data generated from inertial data, and a control unit to cause the vibrator to vibrate according to the stored data.

  • The device is controlled by the movement of the flavor inhaler or similar device.
  • It includes a vibrator, inertial sensor, storage unit, and control unit.
  • Vibration data is generated from inertial data acquired by the sensor.
  • The control unit reads the vibration data and activates the vibrator accordingly.

Potential Applications: This technology could be used in various flavor inhalers or similar devices to enhance user experience and control flavor delivery based on movement.

Problems Solved: This technology addresses the need for controlled flavor delivery in inhalers or similar devices, improving user experience and customization options.

Benefits: The benefits of this technology include precise flavor delivery, enhanced user control, and a more tailored experience for users of flavor inhalers or similar devices.

Commercial Applications: This technology could have commercial applications in the development of advanced flavor inhalers for consumers looking for customizable and controlled flavor experiences.

Prior Art: Readers interested in prior art related to this technology could explore patents or research related to flavor inhalers, inertial sensors, and vibration control in similar devices.

Frequently Updated Research: Researchers may find updated studies on flavor delivery systems, sensor technology, and user-controlled devices relevant to this technology.

Questions about Flavor Inhaler Technology: 1. What are the potential safety considerations associated with using a flavor inhaler controlled by movement? 2. How does this technology compare to traditional flavor inhalers in terms of user experience and customization options?

Original Abstract Submitted

The present invention provides a flavor inhaler or the like controlled on the basis of the movement of the flavor inhaler or the like. A flavor inhaler or the like is provided with: a vibrator; an inertial sensor; a storage unit that stores vibration data which is for causing the vibrator to vibrate and which is generated by converting inertial data acquired by the inertial sensor; and a control unit configured so as to read the vibration data from the storage unit and cause the vibrator to vibrate on the basis of the vibration data.