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Organization Name



Xiangdong Zhang of Wellesley MA (US)

Satya Sri Kanth Palaparthi of Waltham MA (US)

Sachindra Kumar of Framingham MA (US)

Uday Tekade of Westford MA (US)

Madhav Mutalik of Southborough MA (US)

Suresh Bezawada of Hyderabad (IN)

AUTOMATED BACKUP AND RESTORE OF A DISK GROUP - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18626643 titled 'AUTOMATED BACKUP AND RESTORE OF A DISK GROUP

Simplified Explanation: The patent application describes a method for restoring a clustered database with multiple nodes, each having a database, from a failed storage device by restoring a backup image of the failed shared storage device.

Key Features and Innovation:

  • Performing a preflight check before restoring the backup image.
  • Terminating the restore process if any checklist process fails.
  • Creating flashcopies associated with the backup image.
  • Mapping portions of the flashcopy to each node.
  • Mounting the flashcopy as a diskgroup on the node.
  • Switching the clustered database to run from the diskgroup.

Potential Applications: This technology can be applied in data recovery and disaster recovery scenarios for clustered databases with multiple nodes.

Problems Solved: This technology addresses the challenge of restoring a clustered database with multiple nodes from a failed storage device efficiently and effectively.


  • Improved data recovery process.
  • Enhanced disaster recovery capabilities.
  • Minimized downtime for clustered databases.

Commercial Applications: The technology can be utilized by data centers, cloud service providers, and enterprises with large-scale database systems to ensure data availability and continuity in case of storage failures.

Prior Art: There may be prior art related to data recovery methods for clustered databases and storage device failures that could provide additional insights into this technology.

Frequently Updated Research: Stay updated on advancements in data recovery technologies, disaster recovery strategies, and storage device reliability to enhance the effectiveness of this innovation.

Questions about Clustered Database Restoration: 1. How does this technology improve the reliability of clustered databases in the event of storage failures? 2. What are the key considerations for implementing this method in a production environment?

Original Abstract Submitted

Restoring a clustered database having a plurality of nodes each having database from a failed storage device by receiving a request to restore a backup image of a failed shared storage device associated with the clustered database to a time; performing a preflight check including at least one checklist process; terminating the restore when any checklist process fails; when each checklist process succeeds completing the restore by creating at least one flashcopy associated with the backup image, mapping to each of the plurality of nodes an associated portion of the at least one flashcopy, mounting the at least one flashcopy to the node as a diskgroup, and switching the clustered database to run from the diskgroup.