18618116. ABSORBENT ARTICLE simplified abstract (Kimberly-Clark Worldwide, Inc.)

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Organization Name

Kimberly-Clark Worldwide, Inc.


JuHyung Lee of Suwon-si (KR)

KueYoung You of Seongnam-si (KR)

SungSu Kim of Yongin-si (KR)

SeoYeon Son of Seongnam-si (KR)

HakJae Kim of Yongin-si (KR)

ABSORBENT ARTICLE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18618116 titled 'ABSORBENT ARTICLE

The patent application describes an absorbent article designed to improve the comfort of the wearer and reduce feelings of wetness and rewet.

  • The absorbent article has a topsheet layer, a backsheet layer, and an absorbent core positioned between them.
  • The topsheet layer consists of a hydrophilic central layer, a semi-hydrophilic first side layer, and a semi-hydrophilic second side layer.
  • The semi-hydrophilic side layers are bonded to the central layer using an embossing technique in the regions of overlap.
  • Each region of overlap on the body-facing surface contains from about 10% to 35% of at least one embossment.

Potential Applications: - This technology can be used in the manufacturing of diapers, sanitary napkins, and other absorbent products. - It can also be applied in medical settings for wound dressings or incontinence products.

Problems Solved: - Provides improved comfort for the wearer. - Reduces feelings of wetness and rewet, enhancing overall user experience.

Benefits: - Enhanced comfort next to the skin. - Reduction in feelings of wetness. - Improved overall performance of absorbent articles.

Commercial Applications: - The technology can be utilized by manufacturers of hygiene products to create more comfortable and effective absorbent articles for consumers.

Questions about the Technology: 1. How does the embossing technique improve the performance of the absorbent article? 2. What are the specific benefits of using semi-hydrophilic side layers in the topsheet design?

Original Abstract Submitted

An absorbent article which can have an improved feeling of comfort next to the skin of the wearer and a reduction in the feelings of wetness and rewet. An absorbent article can have a longitudinal direction, a transverse direction, and a depth direction. The absorbent article can have a topsheet layer, a backsheet layer, and an absorbent core positioned between the topsheet layer and the backsheet layer. The topsheet layer can have a hydrophilic central layer, a semi-hydrophilic first side layer, and a semi-hydrophilic second side layer. Each of the semi-hydrophilic side layers can be bonded to the central layer utilizing an embossing technique in the regions of overlap of each of the semi-hydrophilic side layers with the central layer. The area of the body-facing surface of each of the regions of overlap can contain from about 10% to about 35% of at least one embossment.