18613893. COMMUNICATION METHOD AND DEVICE simplified abstract (Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.)

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Organization Name

Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


Yiru Kuang of Beijing (CN)

Haibo Xu of Beijing (CN)

Feng Han of Shanghai (CN)

COMMUNICATION METHOD AND DEVICE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18613893 titled 'COMMUNICATION METHOD AND DEVICE

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes a communication method and device that allow for efficient paging of terminal devices based on their capabilities.

Key Features and Innovation

  • First message received from base-station central unit
  • Determines if terminal device supports specific grouping and paging manners
  • Terminal device paged in manner determined by first message
  • Base-station distributed unit can determine terminal device capabilities
  • Enables efficient paging in a split architecture

Potential Applications

This technology can be applied in various communication systems where efficient paging of terminal devices is crucial, such as in mobile networks, IoT devices, and industrial automation.

Problems Solved

This technology addresses the challenge of efficiently paging terminal devices based on their capabilities in a split architecture communication system.


  • Improved efficiency in paging terminal devices
  • Enhanced communication system performance
  • Better utilization of resources in split architecture systems

Commercial Applications

  • Mobile network infrastructure
  • IoT device management systems
  • Industrial automation communication networks

Prior Art

Readers can explore prior art related to communication methods and devices in split architecture systems, as well as research on efficient paging techniques in wireless networks.

Frequently Updated Research

Stay updated on research related to split architecture communication systems, efficient paging algorithms, and advancements in wireless communication technologies.

Questions about Communication Methods and Devices

How does this technology improve communication efficiency in split architecture systems?

This technology improves communication efficiency by enabling targeted paging of terminal devices based on their capabilities, reducing unnecessary signaling overhead.

What are the potential implications of this innovation in mobile network optimization?

The innovation can lead to improved resource utilization and network performance in mobile networks by streamlining the paging process for terminal devices.

Original Abstract Submitted

A communication method and device are provided. A first message is received from a base-station central unit, where the first message is associated with determining whether a to-be-paged terminal device supports a first grouping manner and/or determining a paging manner for the to-be-paged terminal device. The terminal device is paged in a first paging manner that is determined based on the first message. A base-station distributed unit can determine, based on the first message, whether the to-be-paged terminal device supports a grouping manner or a grouping manner that can be supported by the to-be-paged terminal device. In this way, in a split architecture, the base-station distributed unit can also complete paging on the terminal device.