18613256. DISAGGREGATED DIE WITH INPUT/OUTPUT (I/O) TILES simplified abstract (Intel Corporation)

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Organization Name

Intel Corporation


Andrew Paul Collins of Chandler AZ (US)

Mahesh Krishnappayya Kumashikar of Bangalore (IN)

Srikanth Nimmagadda of Bangalore (IN)

DISAGGREGATED DIE WITH INPUT/OUTPUT (I/O) TILES - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18613256 titled 'DISAGGREGATED DIE WITH INPUT/OUTPUT (I/O) TILES

The patent application describes a microelectronic assembly with a substrate, a first die, and a second die.

  • The first die is electrically coupled to the substrate and includes a processor die.
  • The second die is electrically coupled to the substrate adjacent to the first die and includes an input/output (I/O) die.
  • The second die is communicatively coupled to the first die, with its fifth edge aligned with the first edge of the first die.
  • The sixth edge of the second die extends beyond the third edge of the first die.

Potential Applications:

  • This technology can be used in the development of advanced microelectronic devices.
  • It can enhance the performance and functionality of electronic systems.
  • The assembly can be utilized in various industries such as telecommunications, computing, and automotive.

Problems Solved:

  • Improved communication and data processing capabilities in microelectronic devices.
  • Enhanced integration of different functionalities within a compact space.
  • Efficient heat dissipation and power management in electronic systems.


  • Increased efficiency and speed in data processing.
  • Compact design for space-saving applications.
  • Enhanced reliability and performance of electronic devices.

Commercial Applications:

  • The technology can be applied in the production of smartphones, tablets, and other consumer electronics.
  • It can be utilized in the automotive industry for advanced driver assistance systems.
  • Commercial applications include data centers, industrial automation, and IoT devices.

Questions about the technology: 1. How does the alignment of the edges of the first and second die impact the overall performance of the microelectronic assembly? 2. What are the specific advantages of having a processor die in the first die and an I/O die in the second die in terms of functionality and efficiency?

Original Abstract Submitted

Embodiments may relate to a microelectronic assembly including a substrate; a first die electrically coupled to the substrate, wherein the first die includes a first edge, a second edge, a third edge opposite the first edge, and a fourth edge opposite the second edge; and a second die electrically coupled to the substrate adjacent to the second edge of the first die and communicatively coupled to the first die, wherein the second die includes a fifth edge and a sixth edge opposite the fifth edge, and wherein the fifth edge of the second die is substantially aligned with the first edge of the first die and the sixth edge of the second die extends beyond the third edge of the first die, where the first die includes a processor die and the second die includes an input/output (I/O) die.