18612967. Perspective Correction With Depth Clamping simplified abstract (Apple Inc.)

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Perspective Correction With Depth Clamping

Organization Name

Apple Inc.


Maxime Meilland of San Jose CA (US)

Duncan A. Mcroberts of Boulder CO (US)

Julien Monat Rodier of San Francisco CA (US)

Seyedkoosha Mirhosseini of Santa Clara CA (US)

Perspective Correction With Depth Clamping - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18612967 titled 'Perspective Correction With Depth Clamping

The patent application describes a method for performing perspective correction of an image captured by a device with an image sensor, display, processors, and memory.

  • The method involves capturing an image of a physical environment using the image sensor.
  • It obtains depths associated with pixels of the image and generates a clamped depth map based on these depths.
  • A display image is then generated by transforming the image based on the clamped depth map and the difference in perspectives between the image sensor and the user.
  • The final display image is shown on the display.

Potential Applications: - Augmented reality applications - Virtual reality systems - Image editing software - Surveillance systems - 3D modeling and rendering

Problems Solved: - Correcting perspective distortion in images - Enhancing user experience in AR and VR applications - Improving accuracy in depth perception

Benefits: - Enhanced visual quality in images - Improved user interaction with AR/VR environments - Increased accuracy in depth mapping - Realistic rendering of 3D scenes

Commercial Applications: Title: Enhanced Image Correction Technology for AR/VR Systems This technology can be utilized in various industries such as gaming, entertainment, architecture, and healthcare for creating immersive and accurate visual experiences.

Prior Art: Researchers can explore existing patents related to image processing, depth mapping, and perspective correction to understand the novelty of this method.

Frequently Updated Research: Stay updated on advancements in image processing algorithms, depth sensing technologies, and AR/VR applications to enhance the performance of this perspective correction method.

Questions about Perspective Correction Technology: 1. How does this method improve the visual quality of images in AR/VR applications? - The method corrects perspective distortion and enhances depth perception, leading to more realistic and immersive visual experiences. 2. What are the key factors influencing the accuracy of depth mapping in this technology? - Factors such as sensor resolution, calibration algorithms, and user perspective play a crucial role in determining the accuracy of depth mapping in this method.

Original Abstract Submitted

In one implementation, a method of performing perspective correction of an image is performed by a device including an image sensor, a display, one or more processors, and non-transitory memory. The method includes capturing, using the image sensor, an image of a physical environment. The method includes obtaining a plurality of depths respectively associated with a plurality of pixels of the image of the physical environment. The method includes generating a clamped depth map of the image of the physical environment based on the plurality of depths, wherein each element of the clamped depth map has a depth value above or equal to a depth threshold. The method includes generating a display image by transforming, using the one or more processors, the image of the physical environment based on the clamped depth map and a difference between a perspective of the image sensor and a perspective of a user. The method includes displaying, on the display, the display image.