18612689. Intelligent Inset Window Placement in Content simplified abstract (Apple Inc.)

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Intelligent Inset Window Placement in Content

Organization Name

Apple Inc.


Adam P. Williams of Pittsburgh PA (US)

David A. Underwood of Vancouver (CA)

Amy W. Hung of San Francisco CA (US)

Intelligent Inset Window Placement in Content - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18612689 titled 'Intelligent Inset Window Placement in Content

    • Simplified Explanation:**

The patent application describes techniques for integrating live video feed content within a slide presentation application, using an inset window to indicate the size, shape, and location of the video feed.

    • Key Features and Innovation:**
  • Inset window provides indication of live video feed within primary content of slide presentation.
  • Request via graphical user interface applies live video feed across all slides.
  • Enhances presentation experience by incorporating live video content seamlessly.
    • Potential Applications:**

This technology can be used in educational settings for interactive presentations, in business meetings for real-time updates, and in entertainment industry for live event coverage.

    • Problems Solved:**

This technology addresses the need for integrating live video content within slide presentations without disrupting the flow of the presentation.

    • Benefits:**
  • Improved engagement and interactivity in presentations.
  • Seamless integration of live video content.
  • Enhanced visual appeal and information delivery.
    • Commercial Applications:**
  • Educational institutions for interactive lectures.
  • Corporate meetings for real-time updates.
  • Event management companies for live event coverage.
    • Questions about Live Video Feed Integration:**

1. How does the inset window enhance the presentation experience? 2. What are the potential applications of this technology in different industries?

Original Abstract Submitted

Disclosed herein are techniques for providing live video feed content within primary content of a slide presentation application. An inset window may provide an indication of size, shape, location, etc. of the live video feed when presented with the primary content. The inset window/live video feed may be applied across all slides of the slide presentation via a request provided via graphical user interface of the slide presentation application.