18612610. APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR CODING IMAGE simplified abstract (LG Electronics Inc.)

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Organization Name

LG Electronics Inc.


Jangwon Choi of Seoul (KR)

Junghak Nam of Seoul (KR)

APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR CODING IMAGE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18612610 titled 'APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR CODING IMAGE

Simplified Explanation: The abstract describes a cross-component adaptive loop filtering procedure in image/video coding, known as CCALF, which enhances the accuracy of in-loop filtering.

Key Features and Innovation:

  • Cross-component adaptive loop filtering procedure in image/video coding
  • Increases accuracy of in-loop filtering

Potential Applications: This technology can be applied in various image and video coding systems to improve the quality of the output.

Problems Solved: This technology addresses the challenge of maintaining high accuracy in in-loop filtering procedures in image and video coding.


  • Improved accuracy in in-loop filtering
  • Enhanced quality of image and video output

Commercial Applications: Potential commercial applications include video streaming services, video surveillance systems, and digital image processing software.

Prior Art: Researchers can explore prior art related to in-loop filtering procedures in image and video coding to understand the evolution of this technology.

Frequently Updated Research: Stay updated on advancements in image and video coding techniques to leverage the latest innovations in in-loop filtering procedures.

Questions about Cross-Component Adaptive Loop Filtering (CCALF): 1. How does CCALF improve the accuracy of in-loop filtering in image/video coding? 2. What are the potential implications of CCALF in commercial applications?

Original Abstract Submitted

According to one embodiment of the present document, an in-loop filtering procedure in an image/video coding procedure may comprise a cross-component adaptive loop filtering procedure. CCALF, according to the present embodiment, can increase the accuracy of in-loop filtering.