18611413. DISPLAY DEVICE AND METHOD OF MANUFACTURING THE SAME simplified abstract (Samsung Display Co., LTD.)

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Organization Name

Samsung Display Co., LTD.


Jin Wan Kim of Hwaseong-si (KR)

Seung Geun Lee of Hwaseong-si (KR)

Sang Jo Kim of Daejeon (KR)

Su Jeong Kim of Hwaseong-si (KR)

Young Jin Song of Asan-si (KR)

Byung Ju Lee of Seoul (KR)

DISPLAY DEVICE AND METHOD OF MANUFACTURING THE SAME - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18611413 titled 'DISPLAY DEVICE AND METHOD OF MANUFACTURING THE SAME

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes a display device with pixel electrodes, light-emitting elements, and a common electrode layer. The device includes two types of light-emitting elements that emit different colors of light based on different driving currents.

  • The display device has a substrate with pixel electrodes and light-emitting elements.
  • A common electrode layer is applied to the light-emitting elements to provide a common voltage.
  • The device includes a first light-emitting element emitting one color of light and a second light-emitting element emitting a different color of light.
  • Both light-emitting elements share the same active layer.

Key Features and Innovation

  • Display device with pixel electrodes, light-emitting elements, and common electrode layer.
  • Two types of light-emitting elements emitting different colors of light.
  • Shared active layer for both light-emitting elements.

Potential Applications

The technology can be used in:

  • Television displays
  • Smartphone screens
  • Monitor screens

Problems Solved

  • Allows for the display of multiple colors on a single device.
  • Enhances color accuracy and vibrancy in displays.


  • Improved color display capabilities.
  • Enhanced visual experience for users.
  • Efficient use of space on display devices.

Commercial Applications

Title: Multi-Color Display Technology for Enhanced Visual Experience This technology can be utilized in various commercial applications such as:

  • Consumer electronics
  • Advertising displays
  • Gaming monitors

Prior Art

Readers can explore prior art related to display technologies, active layers in light-emitting elements, and color display innovations.

Frequently Updated Research

Stay updated on advancements in display technology, active layer materials, and color display research.

Questions about Multi-Color Display Technology

How does this technology improve color accuracy in displays?

The technology enhances color accuracy by allowing different light-emitting elements to emit specific colors based on driving currents.

What are the potential applications of this multi-color display technology?

The technology can be applied in various devices like televisions, smartphones, and monitors for improved color display capabilities.

Original Abstract Submitted

A display device includes a substrate, a plurality of pixel electrodes on the substrate and spaced apart from each other, a plurality of light-emitting elements on the plurality of pixel electrodes, respectively, and a common electrode layer on the plurality of light-emitting elements and to which a common voltage is applied. The plurality of light-emitting elements include a first light-emitting element that is configured to emit first light according to a first driving current and a second light-emitting element that is configured to emit second light according to a second driving current. An active layer of the first light-emitting element is the same as an active layer of the second light-emitting element.