18610267. REDUCED PITCH MEMORY SUBSYSTEM FOR MEMORY DEVICE simplified abstract (Micron Technology, Inc.)

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Organization Name

Micron Technology, Inc.


Michael A. Smith of Boise ID (US)

Haitao Liu of Boise ID (US)

Vladimir Mikhalev of Boise ID (US)

REDUCED PITCH MEMORY SUBSYSTEM FOR MEMORY DEVICE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18610267 titled 'REDUCED PITCH MEMORY SUBSYSTEM FOR MEMORY DEVICE

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes a memory device with memory cells connected to bit-lines in a specific configuration.

Key Features and Innovation

  • Memory device with memory cells connected to bit-lines in a unique layout.
  • Memory subsystem with first and second memory circuits placed laterally adjacent to each other.
  • First memory circuits have first bit-line connections, while second memory circuits have second bit-line connections.
  • First and second bit-line connections connect to respective bit-lines.
  • Second bit-line connection line is offset from the first bit-line connection line by a predetermined distance.

Potential Applications

This technology could be used in various memory devices, such as computer RAM or solid-state drives.

Problems Solved

This technology addresses the need for efficient and organized memory cell connections in memory devices.


  • Improved organization and efficiency in memory devices.
  • Enhanced performance and reliability of memory subsystems.

Commercial Applications

  • This technology could be valuable for companies manufacturing memory devices.
  • It could lead to the development of faster and more reliable memory products, appealing to a wide range of industries.

Prior Art

Readers interested in prior art related to this technology could explore patents or research papers on memory device architectures and layouts.

Frequently Updated Research

Stay updated on advancements in memory device technology, particularly in the field of memory cell connections and layouts.

Questions about Memory Device Technology

What are the potential commercial applications of this memory device technology?

This technology could be applied in various memory devices, enhancing their performance and reliability for commercial use.

How does the offset between the first and second bit-line connections contribute to the efficiency of the memory device?

The offset helps in organizing the memory cell connections and improving the overall efficiency of the memory subsystem.

Original Abstract Submitted

A memory device includes an array of memory cells and a plurality of bit-lines with each bit-line connected to a respective set of memory cells of the array of memory cells. The memory device includes a memory subsystem having first and second memory circuits. Each first memory circuit can be disposed laterally adjacent to a second memory circuit. Each first memory circuit includes a first bit-line connection and each second memory circuit including a second bit-line connection, the first and second bit-line connections can connect to respective bit-lines. Each first bit-line connection is disposed on a first bit-line connection line of the memory subsystem and each second bit-line connection is disposed on a second bit-line connection line of the memory subsystem, and the second bit-line connection line can be offset from the first bit-line connection line by a predetermined distance that is greater than zero.