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Organization Name



Xiang Du of Chengdu (CN)

Xianqiang Luo of Chengdu (CN)

Keyun Chen of Chengdu (CN)

DATA BACKUP SYSTEM AND APPARATUS - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18606476 titled 'DATA BACKUP SYSTEM AND APPARATUS

Simplified Explanation

This patent application describes a data backup system that includes a data processing apparatus and a storage device. The system is designed to receive data from a host, perform deduplication and compression operations on the data, and then store the processed data on the storage device.

  • The system receives a write request from a host containing data to be backed up.
  • Deduplication and compression operations are performed on the data to reduce storage space.
  • The processed data is then written to the storage device for backup.

Key Features and Innovation

  • Data processing apparatus receives write requests from hosts for data backup.
  • Deduplication and compression operations are performed to optimize storage space.
  • Processed data is stored on the storage device for backup purposes.

Potential Applications

This technology can be used in various industries such as IT, cloud storage, and data management for efficient data backup and storage.

Problems Solved

This technology addresses the need for efficient data backup systems that optimize storage space and reduce redundancy.


  • Improved data backup efficiency.
  • Reduced storage space requirements.
  • Enhanced data management capabilities.

Commercial Applications

  • Cloud storage services.
  • Data centers.
  • IT infrastructure companies.

Prior Art

Readers can explore prior art related to data backup systems, deduplication, and compression technologies in the field of data storage and management.

Frequently Updated Research

Stay updated on the latest advancements in data backup systems, deduplication, and compression technologies for improved data storage solutions.

Questions about Data Backup Systems

How does deduplication help optimize storage space in data backup systems?

Deduplication eliminates redundant data, reducing the amount of storage space needed for backups. This process identifies and eliminates duplicate data blocks, ensuring that only unique data is stored.

What are the key benefits of using compression in data backup systems?

Compression reduces the size of data, making it more efficient to store and transfer. By compressing data, backup systems can save storage space and improve overall performance.

Original Abstract Submitted

This application provides a data backup system and an apparatus. The system includes a data processing apparatus and a storage device. The data processing apparatus is configured to receive a write request sent by a first host, where the write request carries first data that needs to be backed up to the storage device. The data processing apparatus is configured to perform deduplication and compression operations on the first data, to obtain second data. The data processing apparatus is further configured to write the second data into the storage device.