18604227. ERROR CORRECTION MEMORY DEVICE WITH FAST DATA ACCESS simplified abstract (Micron Technology, Inc.)

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Organization Name

Micron Technology, Inc.


Scott E. Schaefer of Boise ID (US)

Aaron P. Boehm of Boise ID (US)

ERROR CORRECTION MEMORY DEVICE WITH FAST DATA ACCESS - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18604227 titled 'ERROR CORRECTION MEMORY DEVICE WITH FAST DATA ACCESS

Simplified Explanation: The patent application describes methods, systems, and devices for a memory device with error correction capabilities that allow for fast data access.

Key Features and Innovation:

  • Memory device can output data during a read operation while simultaneously performing error correction.
  • If an error is detected, the memory device can notify the host device and output corrected data.
  • During a write operation, the memory device can store error detection or correction information along with the data.
  • The memory device can store error detection or correction information generated by the host device.

Potential Applications: This technology can be applied in various industries such as data storage, telecommunications, and computing where fast and reliable data access is crucial.

Problems Solved: This technology addresses the need for efficient error correction in memory devices without compromising data access speed.

Benefits: The benefits of this technology include improved data reliability, faster data access, and enhanced overall performance of memory devices.

Commercial Applications: Potential commercial applications include solid-state drives, servers, networking equipment, and any other devices that require high-speed data access with error correction capabilities.

Prior Art: Readers can explore prior art related to error correction in memory devices, data storage technologies, and advancements in error detection and correction methods.

Frequently Updated Research: Stay informed about the latest research on error correction techniques, memory device technologies, and advancements in data storage systems.

Questions about Memory Device with Error Correction Technology: 1. How does the memory device handle error detection during read operations? 2. What are the potential implications of this technology in the data storage industry?

Original Abstract Submitted

Methods, systems, and devices for a memory device with an error correction memory device with fast data access are described. For example, during a read operation, a memory device may be configured to output the data indicated by the read operation concurrent with performing an error correction operation. If the memory device detects an error, the memory device may indicate the error to a host device and, in some cases, output the corrected data to the host device. During a write operation, the memory device may store error detection or correction information associated with data to be stored at the memory device. The memory device may, in some cases, store error detection or correction information generated by the host device.