18602718. Package-On-Package Device simplified abstract (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Ltd.)

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Package-On-Package Device

Organization Name

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Ltd.


Ming-Fa Chen of Taichung City (TW)

Sung-Feng Yeh of Taipei City (TW)

Hsien-Wei Chen of Hsinchu (TW)

Package-On-Package Device - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18602718 titled 'Package-On-Package Device

The abstract of the patent application describes a package with a redistribution structure, a die package, and a semiconductor device connected through various bonding techniques and materials.

  • The package includes a redistribution structure with a die package on one side, connecting a first die to a second die using metal-to-metal and dielectric-to-dielectric bonding.
  • A dielectric material covers the first and second dies, surrounding the first die.
  • A first through via extends through the dielectric material, connecting to the first die and a first via of the redistribution structure.
  • A semiconductor device on the first side of the redistribution structure includes a conductive connector, with a second via of the redistribution structure contacting the connector.
  • A first molding material surrounds the die package and the semiconductor device, with a package through via extending through to contact a third via of the redistribution structure.
      1. Potential Applications:

This technology can be applied in the manufacturing of advanced semiconductor packages for various electronic devices.

      1. Problems Solved:

This innovation addresses the need for efficient and reliable connections between dies and semiconductor devices in a package.

      1. Benefits:

- Improved connectivity and performance in semiconductor packages - Enhanced reliability and durability of electronic devices - Potential for miniaturization and increased functionality in electronic products

      1. Commercial Applications:

The technology can be utilized in the production of smartphones, tablets, laptops, and other consumer electronics where compact and high-performance semiconductor packages are required.

      1. Questions about the Technology:

1. How does the metal-to-metal bonding technique improve the connectivity between dies in the package? 2. What are the advantages of using a dielectric material to cover the dies in the package?

Original Abstract Submitted

A package includes a redistribution structure, a die package on a first side of the redistribution structure including a first die connected to a second die by metal-to-metal bonding and dielectric-to-dielectric bonding, a dielectric material over the first die and the second die and surrounding the first die, and a first through via extending through the dielectric material and connected to the first die and a first via of the redistribution structure, a semiconductor device on the first side of the redistribution structure includes a conductive connector, wherein a second via of the redistribution structure contacts the conductive connector of the semiconductor device, a first molding material on the redistribution structure and surrounding the die package and the semiconductor device, and a package through via extending through the first molding material to contact a third via of the redistribution structure.