18602311. Doppler Shift Estimate Reporting with Pre-Compensation simplified abstract (Apple Inc.)

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Doppler Shift Estimate Reporting with Pre-Compensation

Organization Name

Apple Inc.


Haitong Sun of Irvine CA (US)

Dawei Zhang of Saratoga CA (US)

Wei Zeng of San Diego CA (US)

Yushu Zhang of Beijing (CN)

Chunxuan Ye of San Diego CA (US)

Jie Cui of San Jose CA (US)

Huaning Niu of San Jose CA (US)

Doppler Shift Estimate Reporting with Pre-Compensation - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18602311 titled 'Doppler Shift Estimate Reporting with Pre-Compensation

Simplified Explanation

A cellular base station sends a message to a device on a fast-moving vehicle, instructing it on how to measure Doppler shifts. The device then performs these measurements and sends the results back to the base station for further adjustments.

Key Features and Innovation

  • Configuration message sent from base station to reporting device
  • Doppler measurements performed on base stations
  • Doppler measurement report transmitted back to base stations
  • Doppler pre-compensation performed based on the report

Potential Applications

This technology could be used in high-speed communication systems where Doppler shifts need to be accounted for.

Problems Solved

This technology helps address the issue of Doppler shifts in high-speed communication scenarios, ensuring accurate data transmission.


  • Improved accuracy in data transmission
  • Enhanced performance in high-speed communication systems

Commercial Applications

Title: Enhanced Doppler Shift Compensation Technology This technology could be valuable in industries such as automotive, aerospace, and telecommunications, where high-speed data transmission is crucial.

Prior Art

Readers interested in prior art related to this technology could explore patents in the field of Doppler shift compensation in communication systems.

Frequently Updated Research

Stay updated on the latest research in Doppler shift compensation in high-speed communication systems to ensure you are leveraging the most current advancements in the field.

Questions about Enhanced Doppler Shift Compensation Technology

What are the potential drawbacks of using Doppler shift compensation technology in high-speed communication systems?

While Doppler shift compensation technology can improve data accuracy, it may introduce complexity and require additional resources to implement effectively.

How does this technology compare to existing methods of Doppler shift compensation in communication systems?

This technology offers a more automated and efficient way to handle Doppler shifts in high-speed communication scenarios compared to traditional manual methods.

Original Abstract Submitted

A first cellular base station transmits a configuration message to a reporting device installed on a high-speed vehicle. The configuration message specifies one or more parameters of a Doppler measurement report. The reporting device performs one or more first Doppler measurements on the first base station and/or one or more second Doppler measurements on a second base station. The reporting device transmits the Doppler measurement report to the first and/or second base stations. The Doppler measurement report may be used by the first and/or second base stations to perform Doppler pre-compensation on transmissions to the reporting device.