18600229. PARTICLE BEAM MICROSCOPE simplified abstract (Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH)

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Organization Name

Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH


Erik Essers of Aalen (DE)

Dirk Preikszas of Oberkochen (DE)

PARTICLE BEAM MICROSCOPE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18600229 titled 'PARTICLE BEAM MICROSCOPE

Simplified Explanation:

A particle beam microscope uses two scintillators to convert electrons into light for imaging purposes.

  • The microscope includes a particle beam source, an objective lens, a first scintillator, a second scintillator, and light detectors.
  • The first scintillator converts electrons into light in the object plane, while the second scintillator generates light from electrons at a greater distance from the object plane.
  • Electrons arriving from the object plane pass through the second scintillator, where they are converted into light.
  • The light generated by the first scintillator is detected by a light detector and incident on the second scintillator for imaging.

Key Features and Innovation:

  • Utilizes two scintillators for electron-to-light conversion.
  • Allows for imaging at different distances from the object plane.
  • Enhances imaging capabilities by using multiple scintillators.

Potential Applications:

  • Material analysis in research laboratories.
  • Biological imaging in medical research.
  • Semiconductor inspection in manufacturing.

Problems Solved:

  • Improved imaging resolution at different depths.
  • Enhanced sensitivity in detecting electron signals.
  • Increased versatility in microscopy applications.


  • Higher quality imaging results.
  • Greater flexibility in microscopy experiments.
  • Enhanced understanding of microscopic structures.

Commercial Applications:

Particle beam microscopes with dual scintillators can be used in various industries such as semiconductor manufacturing, biomedical research, and materials science for advanced imaging and analysis.

Questions about Particle Beam Microscope:

1. How does the distance between the scintillators affect imaging quality? 2. What are the advantages of using multiple scintillators in a particle beam microscope?

Original Abstract Submitted

A particle beam microscope comprises: a particle beam source for generating a particle beam; an objective lens for focusing the particle beam in an object plane; a first scintillator for converting electrons into light; a second scintillator for generating light by way of electrons; and light detectors for detecting the generated light. The distance of second scintillator from the object plane is greater than the distance of the first scintillator from the object plane. The second scintillator has a surface which faces the object plane and through which electrons arriving from the object plane pass. The electrons are converted into light by the second scintillator. The light generated by the first scintillator and detected by a light detector is incident on the second scintillator.