18591858. BROADBAND ULTRASONIC TRANSDUCER simplified abstract (Infineon Technologies AG)

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Organization Name

Infineon Technologies AG


Erhard Landgraf of Dresden (DE)

Sebastian Pregl of Dresden (DE)

Fabian Merbeler of München (DE)

BROADBAND ULTRASONIC TRANSDUCER - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18591858 titled 'BROADBAND ULTRASONIC TRANSDUCER

Simplified Explanation

An ultrasonic transducer with two elements, each having a membrane, electrode, and counter-electrode, where the resonant frequencies of the membranes differ.

  • The ultrasonic transducer includes two elements with different resonant frequencies.
  • Each element has a membrane, electrode, and counter-electrode.
  • The resonant frequencies of the membranes are not the same.

Key Features and Innovation

  • Dual-element ultrasonic transducer design.
  • Membranes with different resonant frequencies.
  • Electrodes and counter-electrodes for each element.

Potential Applications

The technology could be used in medical imaging, industrial testing, and underwater communication systems.

Problems Solved

  • Enhanced performance in ultrasonic applications.
  • Improved signal processing and accuracy.
  • Increased versatility in various industries.


  • Higher resolution imaging.
  • More precise measurements.
  • Better signal reception and transmission.

Commercial Applications

  • Medical imaging equipment.
  • Non-destructive testing devices.
  • Underwater communication systems.

Questions about Ultrasonic Transducer Technology

What are the main advantages of using a dual-element ultrasonic transducer?

Using a dual-element ultrasonic transducer allows for improved performance, higher resolution imaging, and more accurate measurements compared to single-element transducers.

How does the difference in resonant frequencies of the membranes impact the overall functionality of the ultrasonic transducer?

The difference in resonant frequencies allows for better signal processing and reception, leading to enhanced performance in various applications.

Original Abstract Submitted

An ultrasonic transducer includes an arrangement of ultrasonic transducer elements, wherein the ultrasonic transducer elements include a first ultrasonic transducer element and a second ultrasonic transducer element. The first ultrasonic transducer element has a first membrane having a first membrane reinforcement and a first membrane electrode, and a first counter-electrode. The second ultrasonic transducer element has a second membrane having a second membrane reinforcement and a second membrane electrode, and a second counter-electrode. Additionally, a resonant frequency of the first membrane differs from a resonant frequency of the second membrane.