18588741. AUDIO-BASED DATA STRUCTURE GENERATION simplified abstract (Google LLC)

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Organization Name

Google LLC


Gaurav Bhaya of Sunnyvale CA (US)

Robert James Stets, Jr. of Mountain View CA (US)

AUDIO-BASED DATA STRUCTURE GENERATION - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18588741 titled 'AUDIO-BASED DATA STRUCTURE GENERATION

The abstract of the patent application describes a system for routing packetized actions in a voice-activated data packet-based computer network environment. The system can receive audio signals, parse them to identify trigger keywords and requests, generate action data structures, transmit them to a third-party provider device, and establish a communication session with the device.

  • The system receives audio signals detected by a microphone.
  • It parses the audio signal to identify trigger keywords and requests.
  • It generates an action data structure based on the parsed information.
  • The system transmits the action data structure to a third-party provider device.
  • It receives an indication from the third-party provider device that a communication session was established with the device.

Potential Applications: - Voice-activated devices and systems - Smart home automation - Virtual assistants - Communication systems

Problems Solved: - Efficient routing of packetized actions in a voice-activated network - Seamless communication between devices - Improved user experience with voice commands

Benefits: - Enhanced automation and control capabilities - Streamlined communication processes - Increased efficiency in executing actions

Commercial Applications: Voice-activated devices for smart homes, virtual assistants for businesses, communication systems for remote operations.

Questions about the technology: 1. How does the system differentiate between trigger keywords and regular speech in the audio signals? 2. What measures are in place to ensure the security and privacy of the communication sessions established by the system?

Frequently Updated Research: Stay updated on advancements in voice recognition technology, network routing protocols, and communication systems to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the patented system.

Original Abstract Submitted

Routing packetized actions in a voice activated data packet based computer network environment is provided. A system can receive audio signals detected by a microphone of a device. The system can parse the audio signal to identify trigger keyword and request, and generate an action data structure. The system can transmit the action data structure to a third party provider device. The system can receive an indication from the third party provider device that a communication session was established with the device.