18588707. TRANSPARENT DISPLAY PANEL AND ELECTRONIC DEVICE simplified abstract (BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.)

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Organization Name

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.


Yidan Peng of Beijing (CN)

Nanfang Jia of Beijing (CN)

Long Wang of Beijing (CN)

TRANSPARENT DISPLAY PANEL AND ELECTRONIC DEVICE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18588707 titled 'TRANSPARENT DISPLAY PANEL AND ELECTRONIC DEVICE

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes a transparent display panel with a unique light guide bar design for improved light transmission.

Key Features and Innovation

  • Transparent display panel with a liquid crystal layer between two substrates.
  • Edge extension portion on the second substrate for better light distribution.
  • First light source assembly and light guide bar for efficient light transmission.
  • Specific angle between light guide bar surfaces for optimal light reflection.

Potential Applications

This technology could be used in transparent displays for consumer electronics, automotive heads-up displays, and augmented reality devices.

Problems Solved

The technology addresses issues with light transmission and reflection in transparent display panels, improving overall display quality and brightness.


  • Enhanced visibility and brightness in transparent displays.
  • Improved efficiency of light transmission.
  • Better overall display performance in various applications.

Commercial Applications

  • Transparent displays for smartphones, tablets, and laptops.
  • Heads-up displays in cars for navigation and information.
  • Augmented reality glasses for gaming and other interactive experiences.

Prior Art

Readers can explore prior patents related to transparent display panels, light guide bars, and liquid crystal technology to understand the evolution of this innovation.

Frequently Updated Research

Stay updated on advancements in transparent display technology, light guide bar design, and liquid crystal applications for potential future improvements.

Questions about Transparent Display Panel Technology

What are the key features of the transparent display panel technology?

The key features include a unique light guide bar design for efficient light transmission and improved display quality.

How can this technology be applied in different industries?

This technology can be applied in consumer electronics, automotive displays, and augmented reality devices for enhanced visibility and performance.

Original Abstract Submitted

A transparent display panel and an electronic device are provided. The transparent display panel includes: a first substrate, a second substrate, and a liquid crystal layer therebetween, the second substrate having an edge extension portion located on a same side of the transparent display panel as a first light incident surface of the first substrate; a first light source assembly located on a side, where the first light incident surface is provided, of the first substrate a first light guide bar located between the first light source assembly and the first light incident surface, the first light guide bar having a first light guide bar surface, a second light guide bar surface, and a first light guide bar slope surface therebetween, an inner angle formed between the first light guide bar slope surface and the second light guide bar surface being less than or equal to 90 degrees.