18587825. SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE simplified abstract (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Ltd.)

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Organization Name

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Ltd.


Hsin-Yi Lee of Hsinchu City (TW)

Cheng-Lung Hung of Hsinchu City (TW)

Da-Yuan Lee of Hsinchu County (TW)

SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18587825 titled 'SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE

Simplified Explanation:

This semiconductor device consists of a substrate with two gate structures, each comprising a capping layer and an underlying layer. The capping layers are made of a material resistant to oxygen or fluorine, while the underlying layers and capping layers share the same metal element.

  • The semiconductor device includes a substrate, first and second gate structures, each with capping and underlying layers.
  • The capping layers are resistant to oxygen or fluorine, while the underlying layers and capping layers share the same metal element.

Key Features and Innovation:

  • Utilizes capping layers with high resistance to oxygen or fluorine.
  • Enhances device durability and performance.
  • Allows for the use of the same metal element in multiple layers.

Potential Applications:

  • Semiconductor manufacturing
  • Electronics industry
  • Integrated circuits

Problems Solved:

  • Improved device reliability
  • Enhanced performance in harsh environments
  • Simplified manufacturing processes


  • Increased device longevity
  • Greater stability under challenging conditions
  • Cost-effective production methods

Commercial Applications:

The technology can be applied in various industries such as semiconductor manufacturing, electronics production, and integrated circuit development. Its ability to improve device reliability and performance makes it a valuable asset in creating durable and efficient electronic components.

Questions about Semiconductor Device Technology:

1. How does the use of capping layers with high resistance to oxygen or fluorine impact the overall performance of the semiconductor device? 2. What are the specific advantages of having the same metal element in the capping layers and underlying layers of the gate structures?

Original Abstract Submitted

A semiconductor device includes a substrate, a first gate structure, and a second gate structure. The first gate structure is disposed on the substrate. The first gate structure includes a first capping layer and a first underlying layer below the first capping layer. The second gate structure is disposed on the substrate. The second gate structure includes a second capping layer and a second underlying layer below the second capping layer. The material of the first capping layer and the second capping layer have a material having higher resistant to oxygen or fluorine than materials of the first underlying layer and the second underlying layer. The first capping layer, the second capping layer and the second underlying layer include a same metal element.