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Yasuhiro Kurono of Kariya-city (JP)

Takuya Takayama of Kariya-city (JP)

Yutaka Hasegawa of Kariya-city (JP)

RADAR SYSTEM AND AZIMUTH ESTIMATION METHOD - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18584871 titled 'RADAR SYSTEM AND AZIMUTH ESTIMATION METHOD

Simplified Explanation

The radar system described in the patent application includes multiple transmitting and receiving antennas, along with units for estimating azimuth, restoring signals, calculating errors, and determining false azimuth.

  • The system estimates the azimuth of a target based on received signals.
  • It calculates a restored signal assuming the transmitting azimuth is the same as the arrival azimuth.
  • It determines false azimuth when errors between received signals exceed a threshold.

Key Features and Innovation

  • Radar system with multiple antennas for improved accuracy.
  • Estimation of target azimuth based on received signals.
  • Signal restoration for error correction.
  • False azimuth detection for enhanced precision.

Potential Applications

The technology can be used in military surveillance, air traffic control, weather monitoring, and autonomous vehicles for accurate target tracking.

Problems Solved

The system addresses issues related to inaccurate target azimuth estimation, signal errors, and false readings in radar systems.


  • Improved accuracy in target tracking.
  • Enhanced reliability in radar systems.
  • Reduced errors and false readings.

Commercial Applications

  • Military surveillance equipment.
  • Air traffic control systems.
  • Weather monitoring devices.
  • Autonomous vehicle technology.

Prior Art

Readers can explore prior patents related to radar systems, signal processing, and target tracking to understand the evolution of similar technologies.

Frequently Updated Research

Stay updated on advancements in radar technology, signal processing algorithms, and target tracking methodologies to enhance the performance of radar systems.

Questions about Radar Systems

What are the key components of a radar system?

A radar system typically consists of transmitting and receiving antennas, signal processing units, and display interfaces to track and monitor targets.

How does radar technology benefit various industries?

Radar technology provides crucial data for military operations, air traffic control, weather forecasting, and autonomous navigation systems, improving safety and efficiency in these sectors.

Original Abstract Submitted

A radar system of one aspect of the present disclosure includes a plurality of transmitting antennas, a plurality of receiving antennas, an azimuth estimation unit, a restoration unit (S), an error calculation unit, and a false azimuth determination unit. The azimuth estimation unit estimates an azimuth of a target based on a first received signal received by a virtual array. The restoration unit calculates a second received signal from an estimated power of the first received signal which corresponds to a signal restored from the first received signal, assuming that the transmitting azimuth is the same as an arrival azimuth. The false azimuth determination unit determines that the estimated azimuth is a false azimuth when the errors between the first received signal and the second received signal are larger than a determination threshold.