18583467. MEMORY DEVICE simplified abstract (Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.)

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Organization Name

Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.


Takuya Futatsuyama of Suwon-si (KR)

Daeseok Byeon of Suwon-si (KR)

MEMORY DEVICE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18583467 titled 'MEMORY DEVICE

The memory device described in the patent application consists of different cell regions and a peripheral circuit region for controlling memory strings.

  • The first cell region contains first memory strings, while the second cell region attached to it includes second memory strings.
  • A peripheral circuit region is attached to the first cell region and is responsible for controlling both the first and second memory strings.
  • The first cell region has a low-level bit line connected to the first memory strings, while the second cell region has a high-level bit line connected to the second memory strings.
  • A low-level bonding pad is located between the peripheral circuit region and the first cell region, with a low-level connection via connected to it.
  • A high-level bonding pad is provided between the first and second cell regions, with a high-level connection via laterally offset from the low-level connection via.

Potential Applications: This memory device could be used in various electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, and computers to enhance memory storage capabilities.

Problems Solved: The memory device addresses the need for efficient memory storage solutions in modern electronic devices.

Benefits: The memory device offers improved memory storage capacity and efficient control of memory strings, leading to enhanced performance in electronic devices.

Commercial Applications: This memory device could be valuable for semiconductor companies, electronics manufacturers, and technology companies looking to improve the memory capabilities of their products.

Questions about the Memory Device: 1. How does the memory device improve memory storage in electronic devices?

  - The memory device enhances memory storage capacity and efficiency in electronic devices by utilizing different cell regions and a peripheral circuit region for controlling memory strings.

2. What are the potential commercial applications of this memory device?

  - The memory device could be used by semiconductor companies, electronics manufacturers, and technology companies to enhance memory capabilities in various electronic devices.

Original Abstract Submitted

A memory device is disclosed. The memory device includes a first cell region including first memory strings, a second cell region attached to the first cell region and including second memory strings, and a peripheral circuit region attached to the first cell region and including a peripheral circuit configured to control the first and second memory strings, the first cell region including a low-level bit line electrically connected to the first memory strings, a low-level bonding pad provided between the peripheral circuit region and the first cell region, a low-level connection via connected to the low-level bonding pad, a high-level bonding pad provided between the first and second cell regions, the second cell region including a high-level bit line electrically connected to the second memory strings, and a high-level connection via connected to the high-level bonding pad and being laterally offset from the low-level connection via.