18564392. CAMERA DEVICE simplified abstract (LG INNOTEK CO., LTD.)

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Organization Name



Sun Min Hwang of Seoul (KR)

Min Woo Lee of Seoul (KR)

CAMERA DEVICE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18564392 titled 'CAMERA DEVICE

The camera device described in the patent application consists of a moving portion with a lens, a fixed portion connected to the moving portion, a plate between the moving and fixed portions, and an adjuster that controls the movement of the moving portion.

  • The adjuster includes an elastic member, an adjusting member, and a body with a base, a first sidewall in contact with the fixed portion, and a second sidewall in contact with the moving portion.
  • The body of the adjuster plays a crucial role in regulating the movement of the camera device components.
  • By utilizing the elastic member, adjusting member, and body, the adjuster ensures precise adjustments to the camera's positioning.
  • This innovation enhances the overall performance and functionality of the camera device, providing more control and stability during operation.
  • The design of the adjuster contributes to the efficiency and accuracy of capturing images or videos with the camera device.

Potential Applications: The technology can be applied in various types of cameras, including digital cameras, DSLRs, and surveillance cameras.

Problems Solved: The adjuster mechanism addresses issues related to the movement and stability of camera components, ensuring optimal performance.

Benefits: Improved control over camera movement, enhanced stability, and precise adjustments for better image and video quality.

Commercial Applications: The technology can be utilized in the manufacturing of cameras for consumer use, professional photography, security systems, and other imaging devices.

Questions about the Technology: 1. How does the adjuster mechanism impact the overall performance of the camera device? 2. What are the specific advantages of using this technology in different types of cameras?

Frequently Updated Research: Stay updated on advancements in camera technology, particularly in the field of adjuster mechanisms for improved functionality and performance.

Original Abstract Submitted

A camera device comprises: a moving portion including a lens; a fixed portion coupled to the moving portion; a plate arranged between the moving portion and the fixed portion; and an adjuster which adjusts the movement of the moving portion. The adjuster comprises an elastic member, an adjusting member, and a body. The body comprises a base, a first sidewall extending from the base and coming into contact with the fixed portion, and a second sidewall extending from the base and coming into contact with the moving portion.