18557579. DISPLAY DEVICE simplified abstract (KYOCERA Corporation)

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Organization Name

KYOCERA Corporation


Yohei Sato of Muko-shi, Kyoto (JP)

Takanobu Suzuki of Itami-shi, Hyogo (JP)

Katsumi Aoki of Yasu-shi, Shiga (JP)

DISPLAY DEVICE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18557579 titled 'DISPLAY DEVICE

The abstract describes a display device with an image display unit, drive signal lines, and a drive that supplies image signals to pixel units through emission control signal lines. The drive signal lines supply image signals to the emission control signal lines, and switches are used to control the flow of image signals.

  • The display device includes an image display unit with pixel units and emission control signal lines.
  • The drive signal lines supply image signals to the emission control signal lines.
  • Switches are connected to the drive signal lines to control the flow of image signals.
  • The switches can be set to allow image signals to be provided through normal drive signal lines or additional drive signal lines.
  • The technology allows for efficient control and distribution of image signals within the display device.

Potential Applications: - This technology can be used in various types of display devices such as televisions, monitors, and digital signage. - It can also be applied in virtual reality headsets and augmented reality glasses for enhanced image quality.

Problems Solved: - Efficient distribution of image signals within the display device. - Improved control over the emission of image signals to pixel units.

Benefits: - Enhanced image quality and resolution. - Increased efficiency in image signal distribution. - Improved overall performance of the display device.

Commercial Applications: - This technology can be utilized in consumer electronics, professional displays, and medical imaging devices. - It can also find applications in gaming monitors, automotive displays, and industrial control panels.

Questions about the technology: 1. How does the use of switches improve the distribution of image signals within the display device? 2. What are the potential cost-saving benefits of implementing this technology in display devices?

Original Abstract Submitted

A display device includes an image display unit, drive signal lines, and a drive. The image display unit includes pixel units and emission control signal lines that supply image signals to columns of pixel units of the pixel units. The drive signal lines supply image signals to the emission control signal lines. The drive is configured to supply an image signal to each drive signal line. The image display unit further includes switches each connected to the corresponding drive signal line. One normal drive signal line of the drive signal lines and at least one additional drive signal line are connected to the corresponding emission control signal line through the corresponding switch. Each switch is selectively settable at least to a first conductive state to allow an image signal to be provided from the drive to the corresponding emission control signal line through one normal drive signal line or a second conductive state to allow an image signal to be provided from the drive to the corresponding emission control signal line through at least one additional drive signal line.