18556516. PRESSURE-STABILIZED DUAL INLET GAS MASS SPECTROMETRY simplified abstract (The Regents of the University of California)

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Organization Name

The Regents of the University of California


Benjamin Birner of San Diego CA (US)

Ralph Keeling of San Diego CA (US)

Jeffrey Severinghaus of La Jolla CA (US)

PRESSURE-STABILIZED DUAL INLET GAS MASS SPECTROMETRY - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18556516 titled 'PRESSURE-STABILIZED DUAL INLET GAS MASS SPECTROMETRY

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes a mass spectrometer system with a bellows system that maintains a constant internal pressure to deliver gas to the mass spectrometer.

  • The system includes a bellows containing gas and a housing surrounding the bellows.
  • A control system ensures the internal pressure of the bellows remains constant.
  • The gas is delivered to the mass spectrometer at the constant pressure for accurate analysis.

Key Features and Innovation

  • Bellows system maintains constant internal pressure for gas delivery.
  • Control system ensures pressure stability for accurate mass spectrometry.
  • Improved gas delivery system for enhanced performance.

Potential Applications

The technology can be used in various industries such as pharmaceuticals, environmental monitoring, and chemical analysis.

Problems Solved

  • Ensures consistent gas delivery for precise mass spectrometry.
  • Prevents fluctuations in pressure that could affect analysis results.


  • Enhanced accuracy in mass spectrometry.
  • Improved reliability of gas delivery.
  • Consistent performance over time.

Commercial Applications

  • Pharmaceutical research and development.
  • Environmental monitoring for pollutants.
  • Chemical analysis in industrial settings.

Prior Art

No prior art information available at this time.

Frequently Updated Research

No information on frequently updated research related to this technology.

Questions about Mass Spectrometer System

How does the bellows system contribute to the accuracy of mass spectrometry?

The bellows system maintains a constant internal pressure, ensuring consistent gas delivery to the mass spectrometer for precise analysis.

What industries can benefit from this technology?

Pharmaceuticals, environmental monitoring, and chemical analysis industries can benefit from the improved accuracy and reliability of this mass spectrometer system.

Original Abstract Submitted

A mass spectrometer system for a mass spectrometer is provided. The mass spectrometer system includes a bellows system including a bellows configured to contain a gas and have an internal pressure within the bellows, and a housing configured to surround the bellows. The mass spectrometer system also includes a control system coupled to the bellows system. The control system includes a controller configured to continuously maintain the internal pressure of the bellows at a constant pressure within the bellows and cause, based on the continuous maintaining, delivery of the gas at the constant pressure from the bellows to the mass spectrometer. Related methods and articles of manufacture are also disclosed.