18544051. BACKPLANE FOR AN ARRAY OF EMISSIVE ELEMENTS simplified abstract (Google LLC)

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Organization Name

Google LLC


Edwin Lyle Hudson of San Jose CA (US)

Bo Li of Folsom CA (US)

BACKPLANE FOR AN ARRAY OF EMISSIVE ELEMENTS - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18544051 titled 'BACKPLANE FOR AN ARRAY OF EMISSIVE ELEMENTS

The abstract describes a backplane that drives an array of emissive pixel elements, with pixel drive circuits organized into rows and columns.

  • The backplane drives an array of emissive pixel elements.
  • Pixel drive circuits are organized into rows and columns.
  • Sets of pixel drive circuits are formed, with each set containing at least one pixel drive circuit.

Potential Applications: - Display technology such as OLED screens - Lighting systems - Signage and advertising displays

Problems Solved: - Efficient control of emissive pixel elements - Organized arrangement of pixel drive circuits - Enhanced performance of display systems

Benefits: - Improved display quality - Energy efficiency - Enhanced visual experience for users

Commercial Applications: Title: "Advanced Display Technology for Enhanced Visual Experiences" This technology can be used in consumer electronics, digital signage, automotive displays, and other industries requiring high-quality visual displays.

Questions about the technology: 1. How does the organization of pixel drive circuits into rows and columns improve display performance? 2. What are the potential energy-saving benefits of using this backplane technology in display systems?

Frequently Updated Research: Researchers are constantly exploring ways to optimize the organization and control of pixel drive circuits in display technologies to enhance performance and energy efficiency. Stay updated on the latest advancements in this field for potential future applications.

Original Abstract Submitted

A backplane operative to drive an array of emissive pixel elements is disclosed. A plurality of pixel drive circuits form part of an array of emissive elements. The plurality of pixel drive circuits are disposed to form a plurality of rows and a plurality of columns. The plurality of pixel drive circuits are organized into sets of pixel drive circuits, and each set comprises at least one pixel drive circuit.