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Organization Name



Won Su Son of Suwon-si (KR)

Myeong Hak Park of Suwon-si (KR)

Ki Pyo Hong of Suwon-si (KR)

MULTILAYER CERAMIC CAPACITOR - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18537482 titled 'MULTILAYER CERAMIC CAPACITOR

The multilayer ceramic capacitor described in the patent application consists of a body with a capacitance region where internal electrodes are stacked with a dielectric layer in between, and external electrodes connected to the internal electrodes.

  • The capacitor body includes cover layers on the capacitance region and depressions on the outer surface, spaced apart from the outer end surfaces.
  • The external electrodes have a bending length greater than the longest distance from the outer end surfaces to the depressions.
  • This design enhances the performance and reliability of the capacitor by reducing stress on the external electrodes and improving overall stability.

Potential Applications

The multilayer ceramic capacitor with this design can be used in various electronic devices such as smartphones, laptops, and power supplies. It can also be utilized in automotive electronics, industrial equipment, and telecommunications systems.

Problems Solved

This technology addresses issues related to mechanical stress on external electrodes in multilayer ceramic capacitors. It improves the durability and performance of the capacitor in demanding operating conditions.


Enhanced reliability and stability of the capacitor. Improved performance in high-stress environments. Extended lifespan of electronic devices due to better capacitor design.

Commercial Applications

Title: Enhanced Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors for High-Performance Electronics This technology can be commercialized by capacitor manufacturers for electronic components in consumer electronics, automotive, and industrial sectors. It offers a competitive advantage in the market by providing more reliable and durable capacitors for various applications.

Prior Art

Prior research on multilayer ceramic capacitors and electrode design in electronic components can provide insights into the development of this technology.

Frequently Updated Research

Ongoing research on ceramic materials, electrode configurations, and capacitor performance can contribute to further advancements in this field.

Questions about Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors

How does the design of the external electrodes impact the overall performance of the capacitor?

The design of the external electrodes plays a crucial role in reducing mechanical stress and improving the stability of the capacitor.

What are the key factors to consider when selecting a multilayer ceramic capacitor for specific electronic applications?

Factors such as capacitance value, voltage rating, temperature stability, and reliability are essential considerations when choosing a capacitor for different electronic devices.

Original Abstract Submitted

A multilayer ceramic capacitor includes a body including a capacitance region in which a first internal electrode and a second internal electrode are alternately stacked in a first direction with a dielectric layer interposed therebetween and first and second external electrodes spaced apart from each other with the capacitance region interposed therebetween and connected to the first and second internal electrodes, respectively. The body further includes cover layers disposed on the capacitance region in the first direction, a plurality of depressions are disposed in an outer surface of the body in the first direction, the depressions are spaced apart from outer end surfaces of the body in the second direction, and a bending length of each external electrode in the second direction is greater than a longest distance from each of the outer end surfaces of the body in the second direction to a closer one of the depressions.