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Hyun Eui Kim of Cheongju-si (KR)

OPTICAL SYSTEM FOR HOLOGRAM DISPLAY - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18537418 titled 'OPTICAL SYSTEM FOR HOLOGRAM DISPLAY

Simplified Explanation

An optical system for hologram displays is described in the patent application. The system includes various components such as polarizing beam splitters, quarter wave plates, mirrors, and reflective polarizers arranged in a specific configuration.

  • The optical system includes a polarizing beam splitter that reflects horizontally polarized light waves and transmits vertically polarized light waves.
  • It also consists of quarter wave plates, mirrors, and reflective polarizers arranged in a specific sequence to manipulate the polarization of light waves for hologram displays.

Key Features and Innovation

  • Utilizes a polarizing beam splitter to manipulate the polarization of light waves.
  • Sequential arrangement of quarter wave plates, mirrors, and reflective polarizers for hologram displays.

Potential Applications

The optical system can be used in various applications such as:

  • Holographic displays for entertainment and advertising.
  • Augmented reality devices.
  • 3D visualization technologies.

Problems Solved

  • Efficient manipulation of light wave polarization for hologram displays.
  • Enhanced display quality and clarity.


  • Improved holographic display performance.
  • Enhanced user experience with hologram technology.

Commercial Applications

  • "Optical System for Hologram Displays" can be utilized in industries such as:
  • Entertainment and media for creating immersive experiences.
  • Advertising for innovative marketing campaigns.
  • Education for interactive learning tools.

Prior Art

Further research can be conducted in the field of holographic display technologies to explore prior art related to similar optical systems.

Frequently Updated Research

Stay updated on advancements in holographic display technologies and optical systems for potential improvements in the field.

Questions about Holographic Display Technologies

What are the key components of a holographic display system?

A holographic display system typically includes a light source, spatial light modulator, optics, and a projection surface to create holographic images.

How does polarization affect holographic displays?

Polarization is crucial in holographic displays as it helps manipulate light waves to create 3D holographic images with enhanced clarity and depth perception.

Original Abstract Submitted

An optical system for hologram displays is disclosed. According to an embodiment of a present disclosure, the optical system comprising a polarizing beam splitter for reflecting a light wave when the light wave is horizontally polarized or transmitting a light wave when the light wave is vertically polarized, a second quarter wave plate, a half mirror, and a first quarter wave plate, sequentially arranged in a first direction from the polarizing beam splitter, a third quarter wave plate and a first mirror, sequentially arranged in a second direction from the polarizing beam splitter, a fourth quarter wave plate and a second mirror, sequentially arranged in a third direction from the polarizing beam splitter, which is a direction opposite to the second direction and a reflective polarizer arranged in a fourth direction from the polarizing beam splitter.