18534597. SORTING simplified abstract (Imagination Technologies Limited)

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Organization Name

Imagination Technologies Limited


Fabrizio Cabaleiro of Hertfordshire (GB)

SORTING - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18534597 titled 'SORTING

Simplified Explanation:

The method described in the abstract involves comparing pairs of elements in an array by generating two new vectors from the original array, comparing them to generate a mask indicating which element in each pair is less, and then swapping elements as needed before writing the vectors back to the original array.

  • The method involves comparing pairs of elements in an array.
  • Two new vectors are generated from the original array, each containing one part of each pair to be compared.
  • A mask is generated by comparing the two vectors to determine which element in each pair is less.
  • Elements of the vectors can be swapped based on the mask.
  • The vectors are then written back to the original array in memory.

Key Features and Innovation:

  • Efficient method for comparing pairs of elements in an array.
  • Utilizes vector generation and comparison to streamline the comparison process.
  • Allows for swapping elements based on the comparison results.
  • Can be used as part of a bitonic sorting algorithm.

Potential Applications:

  • Sorting algorithms
  • Data processing applications
  • Optimization algorithms

Problems Solved:

  • Streamlining the comparison process for pairs of elements in an array.
  • Improving efficiency in sorting algorithms.
  • Enhancing data processing capabilities.


  • Faster comparison of elements in an array.
  • Improved performance in sorting algorithms.
  • Enhanced data processing efficiency.

Commercial Applications:

Optimized Array Comparison Method for Sorting Algorithms: Enhancing data processing capabilities and improving sorting algorithm efficiency.

Questions about Array Comparison Method:

1. How does the method of generating two new vectors improve the efficiency of comparing elements in an array? 2. What are the potential implications of using this method in sorting algorithms?

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Original Abstract Submitted

A method comprising comparing pairs of elements in an array. The method comprises generating two new vectors from an original array in memory, each comprising one part of each pair to be compared. The two new vectors are compared to generate a mask which indicates which of each pair of elements is less. Based on the mask, elements of the vectors can be swapped as necessary. This could be using a XOR algorithm or a merge algorithm. The vectors are then written back to the original array in memory. This process can be repeated on elements of an array as part of a bitonic sorting algorithm.