18530067. COMPLIANT CHUCK EDGE RING simplified abstract (Tokyo Electron Limited)

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Organization Name

Tokyo Electron Limited


Christopher Netzband of Albany NY (US)

Nathan Ip of Austin TX (US)

COMPLIANT CHUCK EDGE RING - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18530067 titled 'COMPLIANT CHUCK EDGE RING

The patent application describes an apparatus for handling a semiconductor wafer, including an upper wafer holder with a front surface and a compliant ring mounted around it with a front surface flush with the wafer holder's front surface. The method involves providing a first wafer with a bonding surface and back surface, contacting it with a second wafer to form a bond in a radial direction, with the compliant ring restricting movement between the wafers.

  • Upper wafer holder with compliant ring for handling semiconductor wafers
  • Compliant ring restricts movement between wafers during bonding
  • Front surfaces of wafer holder and compliant ring flush for precise alignment
  • Method involves contacting first wafer with second wafer to form radial bond
  • Compliant ring prevents excessive movement between wafers during bonding

Potential Applications: - Semiconductor manufacturing - Wafer bonding processes - Microelectronics production

Problems Solved: - Ensures precise alignment during wafer bonding - Prevents misalignment and damage to wafers - Improves overall yield and quality of semiconductor devices

Benefits: - Enhanced accuracy in wafer bonding processes - Increased efficiency in semiconductor manufacturing - Reduced waste and rework in production

Commercial Applications: Title: "Advanced Wafer Bonding Apparatus for Semiconductor Manufacturing" This technology can be used in semiconductor fabrication facilities to improve the accuracy and efficiency of wafer bonding processes, leading to higher-quality semiconductor devices and increased production output.

Questions about Wafer Bonding Technology: 1. How does the compliant ring in the apparatus contribute to the precision of wafer bonding? The compliant ring restricts movement between wafers, ensuring accurate alignment during the bonding process. 2. What are the potential cost-saving benefits of using this advanced wafer handling apparatus in semiconductor manufacturing? By reducing waste and improving yield, this technology can lead to significant cost savings for semiconductor manufacturers.

Original Abstract Submitted

An apparatus for handling a semiconductor wafer includes an upper wafer holder that has a front surface, and a compliant ring that is mounted around the upper wafer holder and has a front surface. The front surface of the compliant ring is flush with the front surface of the upper wafer holder and extends from the front surface of the upper wafer holder in a radial direction without extending beyond the front surface of the wafer holder in an axial direction. A method includes providing a first wafer with a bonding surface and back surface, the back surface of the wafer in contact with the front surfaces of the wafer holder and the compliant ring. The first wafer contacts a second wafer so a bond forms between the wafers in a radial direction, the compliant ring flexibly restricting the movement of the first wafer relative to the second wafer.