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Kosuke Futagami of Mishima-shi (JP)

Ryosuke Hata of Mishima-shi (JP)

Yosuke Hirate of Kariya-shi (JP)

Taichi Kawanai of Susono-shi (JP)

AUTONOMOUS DRIVING CONTROL APPARATUS - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18529605 titled 'AUTONOMOUS DRIVING CONTROL APPARATUS

The autonomous driving control apparatus described in the patent application can switch between a first autonomous driving mode and a second autonomous driving mode with higher travel performance.

  • Driving control unit capable of executing two autonomous driving modes
  • Parameter changing unit adjusts control parameters for the second mode during the first mode
  • Performance determination unit checks if the vehicle meets requirements for the second mode
  • Switches to the second mode if performance criteria are met

Potential Applications: - Autonomous vehicles - Transportation industry - Automotive technology

Problems Solved: - Enhancing travel performance in autonomous driving - Efficiently switching between different driving modes

Benefits: - Improved safety and efficiency in autonomous driving - Enhanced performance capabilities - Flexibility in adapting to different driving conditions

Commercial Applications: Title: "Advanced Autonomous Driving Control System for Enhanced Performance" This technology can be utilized in autonomous vehicles for various industries such as transportation, logistics, and public transportation services. It can improve the overall efficiency and safety of autonomous driving systems, making it attractive for companies looking to enhance their fleet operations.

Prior Art: Readers can explore prior patents related to autonomous driving control systems, vehicle performance optimization, and adaptive driving technologies to gain a deeper understanding of the innovation presented in this patent application.

Frequently Updated Research: Stay updated on advancements in autonomous driving technologies, vehicle control systems, and performance optimization in the automotive industry to understand the latest trends and developments in this field.

Questions about Autonomous Driving Control Systems: 1. How does the parameter changing unit in the autonomous driving control apparatus optimize performance? 2. What are the key differences between the first and second autonomous driving modes in terms of travel performance and control parameters?

Original Abstract Submitted

The autonomous driving control apparatus includes a driving control unit capable of executing a first autonomous driving mode and a second autonomous driving mode having a higher travel performance than the first autonomous driving mode, a parameter changing unit changing at least a part of a control parameter of autonomous driving to a control parameter for executing the second autonomous driving mode during execution of the first autonomous driving mode, and a performance determination unit determining whether travel performance of an autonomous driving vehicle satisfies travel performance required for the second autonomous driving mode after change of the control parameter. When it is determined that the travel performance required for the second autonomous driving mode is satisfied, the driving control unit switches to the second autonomous driving mode.