18529492. APPLETS FOR CONTACTLESS CARD ACTIVATION simplified abstract (Capital One Services, LLC)

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Organization Name

Capital One Services, LLC


Jeffrey Rule of Chevy Chase MD (US)

Wayne Lutz of Fort Washington MD (US)

APPLETS FOR CONTACTLESS CARD ACTIVATION - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18529492 titled 'APPLETS FOR CONTACTLESS CARD ACTIVATION

Simplified Explanation

The abstract describes a patent application for activating a contactless card using a wireless communications interface. The contactless card communicates a network address to a client device, generates a cryptogram, and activates a payment applet based on instructions received from a web page.

  • Contactless card activation system using wireless communications interface
  • Communication of network address and cryptogram to client device
  • Activation of payment applet based on instructions from web page

Potential Applications

This technology could be applied in various industries such as banking, retail, transportation, and access control systems where contactless cards are used for payments, ticketing, and identification purposes.

Problems Solved

This technology solves the problem of securely activating payment applets on contactless cards without the need for physical contact or additional authentication steps, providing a convenient and efficient way to enable card functionality.


The benefits of this technology include enhanced security, ease of use, and faster transactions for users of contactless cards. It also simplifies the process of activating payment applets on cards, reducing the risk of fraud and improving overall user experience.

Potential Commercial Applications

One potential commercial application of this technology is in the financial sector for enabling secure and convenient contactless payments using activated payment applets on cards. It can also be used in retail environments for faster and more efficient transactions.

Possible Prior Art

One possible prior art for this technology could be existing contactless card activation systems that require physical contact or additional authentication steps. However, this innovation improves upon existing methods by enabling activation through a wireless communications interface, enhancing security and user experience.

Unanswered Questions

How does the technology ensure the security of the communication between the contactless card and the client device?

The article does not provide specific details on the security measures implemented to protect the communication between the contactless card and the client device. It would be important to understand the encryption protocols or authentication mechanisms used to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive information.

What are the potential limitations or challenges of implementing this technology on a large scale?

The article does not address the scalability or potential challenges of deploying this technology across a wide range of contactless card users. It would be essential to consider factors such as compatibility with existing systems, infrastructure requirements, and user adoption rates when implementing this technology on a larger scale.

Original Abstract Submitted

Contactless cards, apparatuses, computer-readable media, and methods for activating a contactless card are provided. A contactless card may communicate, to a client device via a wireless communications interface, a network address associated with a web page. The contactless card may generate a cryptogram responsive to a request from the web page on the client device. The contactless card may communicate the cryptogram to the web page via the wireless communications interface. The contactless card may receive, from the web page, an instruction to activate a payment applet of the contactless card. The contactless card may activate the payment applet based on the instruction.