18527455. DISPLAY PANEL AND DISPLAY APPARATUS simplified abstract (LG Display Co., Ltd.)

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Organization Name

LG Display Co., Ltd.


SangMoo Song of Gyeonggi-do (KR)

JongHyun Park of Gyeonggi-do (KR)

KwangHyun Baek of Gyeonggi-do (KR)

Jungseop Yoon of Gyeonggi-do (KR)

DISPLAY PANEL AND DISPLAY APPARATUS - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18527455 titled 'DISPLAY PANEL AND DISPLAY APPARATUS

The display panel described in the patent application consists of a display area with two distinct areas for different types of subpixels, each containing a light emitting element and a control transistor.

  • Each subpixel includes a first light emitting element controlled by a first light emitting control signal and a second light emitting element controlled by a second light emitting control signal.
  • The first and second subpixels have different lens regions that control the viewing angle in a first direction.
  • The first light emitting control transistor of the first subpixel is controlled by a third light emitting control signal, while the second light emitting control transistor of the second subpixel is controlled by a fourth light emitting control signal.

Potential Applications: - This technology could be used in high-resolution displays for electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, and televisions. - It could also be applied in augmented reality and virtual reality headsets to enhance the visual experience for users.

Problems Solved: - The technology addresses the need for improved display quality and viewing angles in electronic devices. - It offers a solution for controlling light emitting elements in subpixels more effectively.

Benefits: - Enhanced display quality with improved viewing angles. - Better control over light emitting elements for a more precise and vibrant display.

Commercial Applications: Title: Advanced Display Technology for Electronic Devices This technology has the potential to revolutionize the display industry by offering high-quality visuals with customizable viewing angles. It could be integrated into a wide range of electronic devices, leading to improved user experiences and increased market competitiveness.

Prior Art: Further research can be conducted in the field of display technology, specifically focusing on advancements in subpixel control and viewing angle optimization.

Frequently Updated Research: Stay updated on the latest developments in display technology, particularly in the areas of subpixel design and control mechanisms for enhanced visual performance.

Questions about Display Panel Technology: 1. How does the different lens regions in the subpixels affect the viewing angle? 2. What are the potential challenges in implementing this technology in various electronic devices?

Original Abstract Submitted

A display panel includes a display area including a first area in which first subpixels are disposed and a second area in which second subpixels are disposed, wherein each of the first and second subpixels includes a first light emitting element driven through a first light emitting control transistor, a second light emitting element driven through a second light emitting control transistor, a first lens region disposed on the first light emitting element, and a second lens region disposed on the second light emitting element, wherein the first lens region and the second lens region control a viewing angle in a first direction to be different, the first light emitting control transistor of the first subpixel is controlled by a first light emitting control signal, the second light emitting control transistor of the first subpixel is controlled by a second light emitting control signal, the first light emitting control transistor of the second subpixel is controlled by a third light emitting control signal, and the second light emitting control transistor of the second subpixel is controlled by a fourth light emitting control signal.